
I'm gonna beat my sons ass

My daughter suggested a great plan of action. He has 5 classes a week. Each one he doesn't pass, his money drops $100. For example right now he's looking at getting $200 to last him next month... my daughter is a genius.
Text his GF and asked for simplicity sake if my son could just get over this hump by always copying her homework so his lazy ass could concentrate on quizzes and exams... no response text returned. This lil bitch is about to have to figure out how to survive with her family's support only if she doesn't get on board. Nobody pushed college but me, nobody paid for a single ACT but me, tuition payments me and now that she's in college everyone is on the fucking bandwagon that wasn't there before.
I love the basic nature of people. Fuck you, pay me. I got mine, thanks. It's all good, see like I try to tell my son you always deal with people from a position of power. In this case I have the power and bottom line... The Hunger Games have begun.

Enter 44 the Mother Fucker...
I say do what you need to do make them feel the consequences. I don't tolerate that kind of shit. Maybe I'm cold hearted.. The way I see it, you put them in the position theyre in today, you set them up for success, you alone provide. If they can't take that seriously, show appreciation, show that they understand your sacrifice, and do the best damn job they can with what theyre given... you have to ask if they deserve it. I'd make them understand how much you do so they can find a new appreciation for it. Once they realize, I'm sure they'll take things much more serious.

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I say do what you need to do make them feel the consequences. I don't tolerate that kind of shit. Maybe I'm cold hearted.. The way I see it, you put them in the position theyre in today, you set them up for success, you alone provide. If they can't take that seriously, show appreciation, show that they understand your sacrifice, and do the best damn job they can with what theyre given... you have to ask if they deserve it. I'd make them understand how much you do so they can find a new appreciation for it. Once they realize, I'm sure they'll take things much more serious.

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I'm so in full agreement bro. Both these lil mother fuckers are gonna feel it if I don't start feeling some love back. She text me saying she does give him her homework and will continue to do so... lucky for her. This only confirms my son is either dumb AF, or lazy. He's got plenty of cousins that are failures... I figure that would be motivation enough, but when you have shit you assume shit is rightfully yours for the taking, or in this case asking for. You earn your keep is the new motto bro. You try to provide for these slack jawed mother fuckers and all you get it shit. My daughter called his ass and tried to chat with him on a different level, she said he has an excuse for everything and always has a rebuttal. Said he pissed her off and she is done with him. He also said that I talk to him like he's dumb... mother fucker you got 3 F's. Where I'm from that kinda constitutes dumb. We were going up there this weekend, but I cancelled the trip since I don't know if I can have a civilized conversation with him at the moment. Deflecting your issues on me is not a solution to your issues at hand. NCAA requires a fucking 3.0, he has a 1.8 presently and will require summer school in order to maintain eligibility. Player of the week last week, dumb ass extraordinaire this week. Fucking kids. My wife is a cold MF, she said she was gonna tell them when we go visit that she needs to dump our son because he's starting to look like he can't be a 'finisher' and someone a good woman can depend on. That right there is gonna sting. Maybe that will resonate with him. Send a kid to college while tons of others don't get the chance and what do they do? Fuck up, fail to respond appropriately and end up being the athlete with 184,896 Youtube views on his highlights and kids saying they wanna be like you that works at the mall for minimum wage as people you know walk up asking what happened. He used to ask me why I'd take them to Brazilian Steakhouse's for dinner when it cost so much and I'd tell him "I want you to get used to nice shit so you don't compromise and demand better for yourself. If you expect to eat $200+ meals you gotta be able to pay for the shit right?" ... With his Chic-fil-a ass.
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I wish I had the fucking luxury of my parents paying for my school... My parents make damn good money, but are true believers in you won't make it relying on us... They don't buy me SHIT. When I first started college it was 2011 and I did ok my first year because they agreed as long as I do good they'd pay half. After my freshman year I started partying and fucking up so they stopped helping, ok. Then I'm taking out more student loans fucked up again. Now I get out on academic probation so if I fuck up again I can't take out student loans either. Did it again so it's 2013 I've been a freshman for 2 years and now I can't finish school. I took some time off because I couldn't go without student loans and my parents said fuck you were not helping. So I was dormant for a year and worked 2 jobs, because I realized I threw out an opportunity I saved enough to pay for a semester and did fucking great, even made the deans list. Still wasn't eligible for student loans because my completion rate was too low. ( I should have said I wasn't failing I was dropping all my class's and they counted as "W's" which effects your completion rate not GPA, which both have to be decent to apply for student loans.) It was very hard because I've lived on my own since I was 18 because me and my dad just dont get along living together. But I managed to scrape up enough the be a 3/4 time student one class short of full time. And I made the deans list again and brought everything where it needed to be for student loans. Now I'm damn near finished I have a little over a year left. But the second I realized what I threw away I kind of got the point. My current line of work pays the bills and I'm good at it, but I hate it. I realized that without school I will lost likely be there forever and there is absolutely no way, I want to do something I love. Sometimes you have to lay down the law bro, I didn't think my parents were serious about cutting off paying half my tuition, they offered to do that so I wouldn't have a big ass bill by the time I graduated. I seriously had one bad semester and dropped all my classes that they paid half for and they said nope, we're done... I did good my first year and they kept their word and payed for half so I didn't have to take out much loan money. Didn't think they would really do it but they cut me off and I was fucked till I figured it out on my own. My parents don't buy me shit if I need a loan once in a while they will help but I have to pay them back. And even then it's not often but I was never handed anything, ever. They paid for half of my first car and I had to get a job to pay the other half of no car... They've helped me but never gave me anything my dad told me in this world nothing is free so it's not free for you either. I just got done paying them back the 3 grand they lent me to put a down payment on my car so my payments weren't 400 a month... Since they taught me so well I've lived on my own since I was 18 when me and my ex girlfriend broke up 2.5 years ago I lived with them for 2 months and had my own place again pretty quick cuz me and my dad get along much better when we are apart... That's the one thing I will always thank them for even though they were hard on me I'm a better man for it and I have a lot of dicipline and I am very responsible and driven for my age... Without them I wouldn't be who I am today... And I thank god every day for blessing me with such great parents... When your younger you do have a sense of entitlement, hell I know people twice my age who are still like that, when your a kid you never want to hear no. If I wanted a toy or something my dad would be like well what's in it for us? Well give you 10 bucks to cut the grass and when you do it 3 times you'll have enough for your toy and you can buy it yourself... Sure I bitched about it then but today I realize that nothing's free and being raised to work for every fucking thing I own worked out for me in the end... Because I know that if I want something I need to make it happen because nobody will do it for me... And you appreciate shit so much more when you busted your own ass to get it and everything you have is truley yours because you earned it....
My son is spoiled. I bought him a Camaro his jr year in high school, we switched schools mid year after his coach cut a deal with some parents not to play my son (another coach told me this). In Texas they verify you live in attendance zones so guess what? Got a place 16 miles up the road just so he could have a shot at an athletic scholarship just to be able to rub it in those parents faces and give his old coach a big fuck you. I even furnished it since they did inspections... spent all that just so his final 1.5 years of school he could play ball. It worked, he did say thank you, but now he's in college living the dream and he's got the nerve to slack off grade-wise? I even forked out for him to have his own dorm room. Car, solo room, I give him enough money for himself and to sponsor his GF and I make her outstanding tuition payments at a private university... and only her and her step-dad has ever said thank you. Yeah I got a right to be pissed about his grades. I love my son, his gf is near and dear to my heart as long as she acts accordingly, but this lil shit is on the brink of finding out what "on your own" means bro. I just want him to be a success in life, but I see that I over did the fatherly love for his son bit. I just want better for my kids ya know? He make it outta this with his head above water and I'll be content.
My son is spoiled. I bought him a Camaro his jr year in high school, we switched schools mid year after his coach cut a deal with some parents not to play my son (another coach told me this). In Texas they verify you live in attendance zones so guess what? Got a place 16 miles up the road just so he could have a shot at an athletic scholarship just to be able to rub it in those parents faces and give his old coach a big fuck you. I even furnished it since they did inspections... spent all that just so his final 1.5 years of school he could play ball. It worked, he did say thank you, but now he's in college living the dream and he's got the nerve to slack off grade-wise? I even forked out for him to have his own dorm room. Car, solo room, I give him enough money for himself and to sponsor his GF and I make her outstanding tuition payments at a private university... and only her and her step-dad has ever said thank you. Yeah I got a right to be pissed about his grades. I love my son, his gf is near and dear to my heart as long as she acts accordingly, but this lil shit is on the brink of finding out what "on your own" means bro. I just want him to be a success in life, but I see that I over did the fatherly love for his son bit. I just want better for my kids ya know? He make it outta this with his head above water and I'll be content.

Absolutely brother, but sometimes you gotta dink before you can swim. My parents were tough on me in the aspect of just handing me shit, they didn't do it, they taught me getting what you want cones with putting in the work. My parents are pretty loaded but they don't give me anything, never have. That being said they are amazing parents, sure I thought they were the enemy cuz everyone else gets a brand new fucking car for free when they turned 16, and I'm driving a piece of shit car that I had to pay half for. The lesson learned from it was priceless though, now I drive a decent car, it's a lease but I pay for it and it's mine. I have damn good credit for my age. Despite my parents not handing me shit and being hard on me about working for what you have, they were still loving, attended all my sporting events still do, very supportive, and stuck by my side whenever I fell down. I was still a kid at one point and did mischievous things and gotten in trouble but they always stuck by me and never gave up on me even when the cards were down... They are my best friends as well as my parents. With the exception of my best friend in the world everyone besides my parents has either fucked me over or given up on me when I was down. I don't fucking trust people and I don't like a lot of people because everyone's in it for themselves. But my best friend and family have always had my back through anything and I can never do anything that can show how much I appreciate them for that.
Putting your foot down is just tough love brother it doesn't mean you don't love them, if somethings not working you have to change the approach.
i take my summer classes at community college. they're extremely cheap, great instructors and fairly easy classes to pass. I definitely recommend it.

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NO is a complete sentence in my household. and like bigsteve said its not tough love, its love!!! I love you enough to say NO because if you don't this is gonna spiral into potroast. lol its in his genes. the problem here is he went from rockstar on the high school field to you aint shit at this level, maybe he has a little wake up call with that but there is also ALOT of fucking distractions at a college and no one there to tell him "man you better get some act right in yo life, or its gonna be a bumpy road." yes you may tell him over the phone or text but it aint the same you are in tx he is in ok. but you gotta let it ride man these are the times that the cream rises to the top, his failure isn't your failure just remember that.

I say let it ride and let him bump his ass hard enuff to jar his fucking teeth loose and go from there, but you cant and shouldn't always be there to pick up the pieces when he falls apart, HE has to figure it out for himself and that's what good men do they figure it out, just like bigsteve he figured it out. he had a contract with his parents he didn't take it serious until they called his bluff
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