
I need some help please


New member
Hello everyone how is everyone doing. Well first off let me start by saying that I have some prohormone cycles under my belt and I ran then right until I didn't come off my last few ones properly and I Have gotten some gyno that I tried treating with letro and caber (I used trenavar)
. I thought I knew better and I was smater then everyone. But I never really dosed things right....I hope I am making sense. But I am going to start running a prohormone called tren plus six it has 15mg of trenavar and 30mg of 6chlora, I also want to purchase a good AI and a anti P. I am thinking of getting aromasin and caber (parmi makes me feel like shit) Dylan gemelli said letro is a last resort AI. My question is how would I properly dose my AIs and anti p and if I should get aromasin over letro and where o can order the best AIs. I am 6 3 170lbs and naturally lean (and now have puffy nipples).....I hope I am making sense. Thank you hope to hear from you all shortly
It's not that you're not making sense, your proposal is not making sense.

Tren + 6??

You make no mention of any goals and almost no stats. You're 6'3and only weigh 170 pounds? What do you eat?

You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear

Also; read this:
Bro prohormones are shit house! You shouldn't be running anything if you have gyno problems. That shit should be sorted before you do more damage, You think that would be common sense...

If you have tried letro and it still isn't doing anything then sorry to say bud but surgery is the only option! I mean you can give letro a go again but I would highly advise you not to touch anything until you have sorted your problem out!

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6'3" and 170. Is greatly undersized bro. You shouldn't be using any kind of steroid or prohormone. What does your diet look like? I'm guessing it's lacking here, especially if you've ran other cycles and are still that small. What is your age?
so lets get this straight... you already realize how fucking stupid pro hormones are yet you want to do another cycle LOLLL wow, just wow... SMFH! not to mention, as rick pointed out, you are that far underweight... you are going to reck yourself as if you have already not began to do so... you need to stop this shit man... you dont know what you are doing to yourself and you are going to ruin your life... you can use other compounds besides steroids and not have this moving forward OR you can learn a hard lesson, like many end up having to do... if it were me, i would choose option A 120 out of 100 times but hey, some people have to learn the hard way... if you want real help instead of acting so absurd, im happy to help but this is flat ass ridiculous..
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