
I just don't see the point

Sabretooth spider monkey

New member
So I was at the gym and unfortunately got talking to a guy who if I'm honest spends more time looking in the mirror and playing with his phone than he does lifting, anyway we got on to the subject of steroids and cycles to which I told him i plan on doing a cycle after I run some gw that I just got to bring down my body fat, he then suggests to me and is adamant that I run TBOL with it, aaahhhhh😠😠😠, now don't get me wrong I think tbol goes under the radar at times with people, because u can get good clean gains from it, but why would i run an oral WITHOUT test for 6 weeks or so then have to do a mini pct to recover then look to start my proper cycle. Just pointless in my opinion, so I made my excuses and left .
So I was at the gym and unfortunately got talking to a guy who if I'm honest spends more time looking in the mirror and playing with his phone than he does lifting, anyway we got on to the subject of steroids and cycles to which I told him i plan on doing a cycle after I run some gw that I just got to bring down my body fat, he then suggests to me and is adamant that I run TBOL with it, aaahhhhh������, now don't get me wrong I think tbol goes under the radar at times with people, because u can get good clean gains from it, but why would i run an oral WITHOUT test for 6 weeks or so then have to do a mini pct to recover then look to start my proper cycle. Just pointless in my opinion, so I made my excuses and left .

You don't ever listen to advice from people in the gym for reasons like this. That's rule number one
To be fair advice from people in the gym is just as common as people online. For every idiot in the gym there are two on the internet.
Best you can do is research and draw your own conclusions. Regardless to what anyone says I wouldn't run that without a test base.

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I DON'T intend on doing this now or ever I wud never run an oral WITHOUT test. Some people just don't seem to care what they put there body through, I wud rather wait till I'm on cycle then do it when u have a proper schedule set up for liver support and AI for the other compounds that will b getting used
I DON'T intend on doing this now or ever I wud never run an oral WITHOUT test. Some people just don't seem to care what they put there body through, I wud rather wait till I'm on cycle then do it when u have a proper schedule set up for liver support and AI for the other compounds that will b getting used

Some of the things I've heard people doing at the gym have blown my fucking mind man. I have yet to hear or see of one single person doing things the right way. Dead serious...
to be fair advice from people in the gym is just as common as people online. For every idiot in the gym there are two on the internet.
Best you can do is research and draw your own conclusions. Regardless to what anyone says i wouldn't run that without a test base.

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^^^^^^bingo^^^^^^spot fucking on^^^[
Some of the things I've heard people doing at the gym have blown my fucking mind man. I have yet to hear or see of one single person doing things the right way. Dead serious...
There are obviously some guys at the same gym that know what there doing we go to the gym but yeah its rare . most of the guys on gear at my gym come too me for advice and they cant even tell the name of the lab on the vial or mg/ ml just that they pin a cc twice a week and Im like wow SMH

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Yeah... nowadays it seems to be some sort of fashionable craze that's happening with the younger ones, doing shit without thinking about the consequences ov not following the correct protocol or doing proper research
can you run tbol with sarms, yes, you can... is it far better than an oral only, absolutely... is it "ideal" without test, no not really... its far better as i said but its still not the best way.. there's more people out there that do oral only cycles than i can count or tolerate... its an epidemic out there of misinformation and just stupidity on the subject... the best you can do is try to help others understand and hope they listen
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