
I have returned

I truly feel for you man. I can't even begin to understand the amount of pain and heartbreak losing a child would cause.
I'm glad that you are here and able to speak about it. Your Adrenaline Rush family is always here for you in any way.
Stay strong my friend.

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Yeah. It's me. Glad to see you here. I think you know already but I've always had a ton of respect for you.

god bless you man, ive never lost a child but i lost my mother, when i was a young kid, she wasnt even 30 yet and it was very hard to get sucks to lose someone unexpected before their time.We all here for you!.Whatever you need pm me or one of the other great guys here and its yours. Or if you just need someone to talk to, dont ever hesitate to reach out.
Just wanted to thank everyone again for the support. My wife and I both appreciate the encouraging words. She was amazed that a bunch of guys we've never actually met seemed so sincere and concerned. Thank you all.
Very sorry to hear of you're loss my friend. Although its an online forum, All our condolences are with you and you're family.
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