Hi I am new here. I was brought here by Dylan Gemelli and his YouTube videos. I am a 30 yr old male with low T. My most recent blood work from weeks ago had my test at 239. Down from 326 from last years blood work. I am 6'3" weighing 260. I dont know for sure my BF% but if i had to guess it is around 20. I am a powerlifter so I am not overly concerned with being shredded but I still want to look like I lift. I dont know for sure if it is linked but i have had a vasectomy. No other surgeries or major inuries. My goal is to be one of the best powerlifters in the world but i know that isnt going to happen naturally with low T. My Dr. told me he will not prescribe me TRT unless my dick stops working. Which it is still working fine thank God. From watching Dylan's videos and doing other research I have come up with a possible plan to run a test only cycle of 250-500 mg of test-c for 8-12 weeks then a pct. After that run TRT at a cruise rate of 150 mg for the foreseeable future. Tell me what you guys think. I am open to suggestions and ready to do more research. I want to be as knowledgeable as possible before i even buy anything so that i know i am doing it right from the get go. Also i am not caught up at all on what to take as far as oct's and pct's.