
I hate to ask this question


New member
Hey guys, I have been trying to look for trestolone for the longest time. What would be a good source to access this. Please help!
What is a good website where it's not bad and I would actually get the stuff?

Most don't work through websites bro. There's two or three sources here that use sites, but I don't think the carry ment. Pharma lady does carry it, and her orders are done through email. Just like Robolics and most others. Any source from this site will guarantee you will get your order. I have no questions about that.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
What is a good website where it's not bad and I would actually get the stuff?

When dealing with these types of things you probably aren't going to find too many websites. Most sources operate through email

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Most don't work through websites bro. There's two or three sources here that use sites, but I don't think the carry ment. Pharma lady does carry it, and her orders are done through email. Just like Robolics and most others. Any source from this site will guarantee you will get your order. I have no questions about that.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
I second that. There are no games played by any of the sources here. Pharma Lady does carry what you are looking for, and you will get it.
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Raws for Trestolone are very expensive so take advantage of this introductory offer / sale from Pharma Lady while you can. I doubt the price will be this low for a long time.
What is your thought on orals and sarms combined cycles. Such as a LGD 4033 and 10 or 20 mg of anabol. With the thought in mind to keep regular test levels up through the night? Hope this is not a stupid question lol!
What is your thought on orals and sarms combined cycles. Such as a LGD 4033 and 10 or 20 mg of anabol. With the thought in mind to keep regular test levels up through the night? Hope this is not a stupid question lol!
You might want to start a thread asking that, for responses to that dude. Here it might be kinda buried......start a thread on it and lots of people will see itand probably respond.
What is your thought on orals and sarms combined cycles. Such as a LGD 4033 and 10 or 20 mg of anabol. With the thought in mind to keep regular test levels up through the night? Hope this is not a stupid question lol!

I don't ever recommend any orals without testosterone. Sarms are fine without test because they will not completely shutdown your natural production like steroids, but you never want to run orals without test

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
so if i want to order from pharma lady how would i go about doing that ive only ordered through naps before never anything through email
so if i want to order from pharma lady how would i go about doing that ive only ordered through naps before never anything through email

Look back at the 1st page of this thread and click on the email under pharma lady's post and email her or cbbram and they'll take care of you I'm sure
thanks alot man the forum is a lot different what im used to but I like that i can actually learn from it and see other peoples cycle and review on the gear as well thanks again
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