Always a mix up with my direct TV account and billing. 3 months in a row just plain syupidity on their part. First they keep an old account from years ago on file and apply a payment to it erroneously despite it having a zero balance, then disconnect my service for not making a payment. Next, they charge me someone else's bill and when I discover it didn't apply to my account they fix it, but the extra $114 I paid has to be applied to next month's bill. Now they charge me for having a land line phone and I never had one. I never had these problems with Uverse. Mighta cost me an extra $100, but I never had headaches like this with them.
Good news is I pinned 300mg of test, 300mg of tren and 4iu of hgh this morning and will stick another 4iu prior to bedtime. Bumping my test up to 1g. Trying to get big, but Direct TV still sucks balls.
Good news is I pinned 300mg of test, 300mg of tren and 4iu of hgh this morning and will stick another 4iu prior to bedtime. Bumping my test up to 1g. Trying to get big, but Direct TV still sucks balls.