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We know that it is estrogen that makes women what they are and test is what makes men what they are.Can you imagine how much we would be bitching if we had a female type menopause? They pretty much loose all of their estrogen within a few months to a year. All of it gone!! Can you imgaine losssing all of yout test within a few months? We loose our test from 40-70 years old!!
Not to mention ...women have several hormones although we tend to think of estrogen only. Think of the very first day of their period.. ..the first day that there is no more blood.
This is day one. A hormone gradually thickens the lining of the uterus to be prepared to hold on to a fertilized egg. Then day 14 a hormone causes ovulation. If nothing happens then hormone number two takes over for the second half of the 28 day cycle. If the egg is fertilized then hormone 3 takes over. When the baby is due birth hormone number 4 takes over.
So when menopause comes the estrogen goes but also leaves the rest out of balance or turned off also.
Since I had made a post about what I did for my wife I have gotten a lot of questions,so I will tell you what I did.
The first thing docs/gyns want to do is load them up on estrogen pills, but for a lot of women the sides are just too much. Yes it stops the hot flashes but then causes general malaise,..just not feeling right.
What I did was cut all of her estrogen in half and made some 150 sus. I give her .1 cc with an insulin pin for a totally sus of 15mg every 5 days. A friend had given me a bottle of xxx, but I tend not to like that kind of stuff, so I gave wifey a bit less than half a cc....and she now takes it ED.
This combo has made her young! She feels stronger, lifts heavier weights and has a hard tight bod at 60 years old. And when they feel hot...they are hot! I was fully planning on working to adjust the test dose along with the estrogen dose and the xxx, but I got it right on the first try.
My opinion is that menopausal women needs more test..NOT a shitload of estrogen.
She has been a triathelte for years but now loves lifting weights. I may up the test latter but while things are not broke, I won't fix anything.
Hope this helps!
Not to mention ...women have several hormones although we tend to think of estrogen only. Think of the very first day of their period.. ..the first day that there is no more blood.
This is day one. A hormone gradually thickens the lining of the uterus to be prepared to hold on to a fertilized egg. Then day 14 a hormone causes ovulation. If nothing happens then hormone number two takes over for the second half of the 28 day cycle. If the egg is fertilized then hormone 3 takes over. When the baby is due birth hormone number 4 takes over.
So when menopause comes the estrogen goes but also leaves the rest out of balance or turned off also.
Since I had made a post about what I did for my wife I have gotten a lot of questions,so I will tell you what I did.
The first thing docs/gyns want to do is load them up on estrogen pills, but for a lot of women the sides are just too much. Yes it stops the hot flashes but then causes general malaise,..just not feeling right.
What I did was cut all of her estrogen in half and made some 150 sus. I give her .1 cc with an insulin pin for a totally sus of 15mg every 5 days. A friend had given me a bottle of xxx, but I tend not to like that kind of stuff, so I gave wifey a bit less than half a cc....and she now takes it ED.
This combo has made her young! She feels stronger, lifts heavier weights and has a hard tight bod at 60 years old. And when they feel hot...they are hot! I was fully planning on working to adjust the test dose along with the estrogen dose and the xxx, but I got it right on the first try.
My opinion is that menopausal women needs more test..NOT a shitload of estrogen.
She has been a triathelte for years but now loves lifting weights. I may up the test latter but while things are not broke, I won't fix anything.
Hope this helps!