Just measure out your dose and take it straight down the hatch. Drop it on the back of your tounge. You can even chase it with something if you'd like. Grapefruit juice is what lots of guys prefer. Easy.
if you order from sarmsx, it comes with an oral measuring dropper... all you do is get the dropper to the desired dose and take it straight down... do not swish in your mouth and DO NOT put it under your tongue, jus take it straight down.. where did you get your sarms?
OP as Dylan explained sarmsx comes with droppers measure out your dose in the drop and squeeze the liquid out of the dropper down your throat [emoji50]
If you're a wimp about the taste of the liquids, you can measure it out with your dropper and fill up some empty 00 gelatin capsules(sold on amazon) then it's just like popping fish oils or anything else. I'm using this method with my aromasin.
just take it straight down... it does not require all of this and that.. its very simple.. its a BABY DROPPER... its not even a fraction of a shot... take it straight down and i fyou need a chaser, so be it...