Active member
I occasionally workout with this guy who is 42. He is on tren and has deveolped a super man attitude. Nothing can hurt him and he is invincible.He basically looks like a sausage and does not seem to progress. After a workout I asked what was going on. Well superman doesn't need to eat right. He says on tren that all he needs is carbs. So he eats more dam candy than I did as a kid.I really have not seen him eat anything but candy. It is hershey bars while he is working out, sugared cokes,easter eggs etc. Then he tells me he drinks almost an entire 750ml of Jack Daniels every night. I guess the alcohol does not effect superman either. Let me tell anyone who drinks more than a beer or two everynight. Alcohol knocks your test out of the park. The stuff is catabolic. This guy makes no progress on tren because he is always a bit shaky. Not totally hung over but close. He has no strength. Add a poor diet and you have a big zero gains. Tren is not a magic wand that you wave and become superman. First and foremost you train hard and eat right. Gear is a supplement to those two things. Amen.