I wanted your advice on how much and how often EQ should be ran. In the past I've always ran test between 750mg and 1000mg but the sides weren't worth it. So I've been running only 250mg a week along with 125mg Deca a week and 50mg dbol (25mg am 25mg on) a day and loving the results and the way I feel. I'd like to switch to EQ but I've been told it had to be around 900mg or more to actually work. Is this true? I really want to keep dosing as low as possible to avoid sides. I don't mind EQ having to take longer to see results, my pro debut isn't until mid 2017. Also I've been fighting an inflamed elbow and I've used tb500 and bpc157 and both haven't cleared it 100%. Granted it is almost clear. I was told to run primobolan enath and that would help. ...? Any advice on a low dose, long cycle I can run would be greatly appreciated.