
How many cycles of Winstrol a year

How many cycles of Winstrol can be taking in a year?.I've been told 2 cycles of 6-8 weeks is safest.
What's your thoughts on this
This is a loaded question right here brother. If you want the best answer to your question you're going to have to tell us a little bit about yourself.

How long you've been working out?
How many cycles have you've done?

We can give you a cookie cutter answer to your question but it may not be best for you in particular...
Ulster1984 said:
How many cycles of Winstrol can be taking in a year?.I've been told 2 cycles of 6-8 weeks is safest.
What's your thoughts on this

Why winstrol only cycles? That's not the best cycle to run, and I'm not a fan of oral only cycles to begin with. What are your stats and experience?
Age 31
Ht 6.1
Weight 87 kg
I've done 3 cycles before
1st cycle test e 250mg 8weeks
2st cycle test e 250mg 10weeks
3rd cycle test e 500mg 8weeks
My new cycle start on Monday
1-12 test sus 250 mg
1-14 arimidex
8-14 winstrol 25 mg/day
1-18Cycle assist
7-18lipid stabil
PCT 15-18
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
MK-2866 25mg
GW501516 25mg
Ulster1984 said:
Age 31
Ht 6.1
Weight 87 kg
I've done 3 cycles before
1st cycle test e 250mg 8weeks
2st cycle test e 250mg 10weeks
3rd cycle test e 500mg 8weeks
My new cycle start on Monday
1-12 test sus 250 mg
1-14 arimidex
8-14 winstrol 25 mg/day
1-18Cycle assist
7-18lipid stabil
PCT 15-18
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
MK-2866 25mg
GW501516 25mg
I think that you will like it. You did it correctly. Start with test and do it for a few cycles and then next cycle begin adding on.The problem is that your first 3 cycles probably did not do a whole lot for you. Even your very first sus cycle should have been 12 weeks. Your second and third cycles should have been 12 weeks also.Now you have already graduated from 250 sus to 500. So on this next cycle it looks like you want to go 14 weeks. That is ok, but I would rather see you do 300-450 sus do the winny and everything else like you plan but stop at 12 weeks. If you feel really good at 12 and do not want to stop than go to 14 and definietly stop.
Re: RE: Re: How many cycles of Winstrol a year

Ulster1984 said:
Age 31
Ht 6.1
Weight 87 kg
I've done 3 cycles before
1st cycle test e 250mg 8weeks
2st cycle test e 250mg 10weeks
3rd cycle test e 500mg 8weeks
My new cycle start on Monday
1-12 test sus 250 mg
1-14 arimidex
8-14 winstrol 25 mg/day
1-18Cycle assist
7-18lipid stabil
PCT 15-18
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
MK-2866 25mg
GW501516 25mg
That actually doesn't look too bad brother. The setup looks pretty good, though I would increase that test dose a bit and at least bump it up to about 350mg per week. Also I would recommend aromasin over adex on cycle

PCT looks very good
My test come in 1 ml/250mg amps , which I have never used so it is either 250mg r 500mg week.
I am a rugby player So I probably stick 250mg
Re: RE: Re: How many cycles of Winstrol a year

Ulster1984 said:
My test come in 1 ml/250mg amps , which I have never used so it is either 250mg r 500mg week.
I am a rugby player So I probably stick 250mg
In that case I would prefer 500mg per week myself rather than 250, which isn't much over natural levels. If you are going to shit yourself down, I would at least run a dose worth doing so
Ulster1984 said:
My test come in 1 ml/250mg amps , which I have never used so it is either 250mg r 500mg week.
I am a rugby player So I probably stick 250mg

I wrote it out for you already bro. The sus days at 250 are already gone. I said 450, but due to your gear then go 500.
Already know this and Ana will be my first cycle in a couple years
Good post

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