Its not so much that less is is more like think about which are the best with each other and help each other. As an example the 200 test and 200 deca is a total of 400mgs aas. BUT if I used 400mg of just cyp it is not as effective. So the lesser dose of test here means less sides from test.The deca is low so no deca sides, so the combo is just a great way to go. This is how we put together a cycle.You don't just randomly throw shit think it out. So if I wanted some tren benefit but not the tren sides,I would add it right on to the test/deca. I would go 200 test/200deca/150 trenE, or 150mg/week of trenA. So by using less mgs, you can build very effective stacks.
I had my days of big cycles, but as I learned what each aas does I was able to get better results putting things together with combinations of lower mgs.