I normally do not post on my personal life. I am on a cycle right now and I have been with the same woman for almost 2 years and she refuses to give me head or even come onto me and I really don’t want to talk about this with someone I know but I have to get it out. The tren after I am shut down makes me a nightmare and I can’t get the thoughts out of my head like wtf like is she not attracted to me. I know with previous bf and when I first met her she would personally get offended if I didn’t let her please me every night before bed since then about 8 months into the relationship it all stopped and I do beat her down about it especially if I am on tren. Has anyone here delt with this issue ? Or can give me honest advice ? I am in a very dark spot because of this talking to her about it doesn’t change it when I have she says she will change it and it never does