View attachment 3912
Proviron Bayer
Product name: Proviron 25mg
Content: 20 tabs. 25 mg/each
Manufacturer: Bayer
Chemical name: Mesterolone
***44 NOTE***
Proviron is a DHT derivative used by AAS bodybuilders to reduce the aromatisation of testosterone and its derivatives. Thus, effectively there will be more free testosterone, which the human body uses to build muscle. Additionally it has been reported through AAS users to help amplify the effect of a cycle (since it increases the amount of free testosterone).
However, in order to substantiate my aforementioned point, proviron does help to release free testosterone, thus increasing overall free testosterone levels useful for bodybuilding. In addition, proviron also helps keep estrogen levels under control in the male body (which means it can be used to compliment your AI (whether it be asin, adex, caber, letro)) - but this compound cannot be used for PCT.
Bodybuilders use proviron for four main reasons outlined below:
1) As a result of proviron's atomic structure it is incapable of forming estrogen. Therefore, due to the increased strength (in comparison to testosterone) in its binding ability to 'latch-on' to the estrogen binding enzymes, it prevents estrogen build-up.
2) As previously mentioned, proviron increases the amount of free testosterone in the male human body. This is a very important point to consider, since approximately ~98% of testosterone is bound to the sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG), thus, since it is bound to the SHBG it is not free testosterone any more and therefore cannot be used to build muscle.
3) As a DHT derivative, proviron contributes towards a feeling of 'well being' (commonly referred to as anabolic well-being) in males, thus it has been used to treat depression in men in the past. Additionally, bodybuilders use it to 'dry up' for competitions, however Masteron is the preferred choice and considered as a better option (proviron has been named as an oral masteron - this topic is debateable). The increase in hardness comes from a reduction in free estrogen levels, thus decreasing water retention.
4) Proviron is frequently used with compounds such as deca - as it adds an androgenic component to the cycle. Thus preventing a loss in male libido and impotence and helps a males sex-drive upto a certain point. However, it makes much more sense to use testosterone (and compounds like prop, tne, suspension) which are very useful since it's a natural sexual hormone.
A dosage of 25mg ED is considered to be an effective dosage for proviron.
To finalize supplementation of 25mg proviron a day during 19-nor-progesterone cycle will help to aid and (I use this word with caution) amplify the effects of that particular cycle, since there is in increase in free testosterone, which is what the human body utilizes to build muscle. I dose it at 100mg daily, however 50mg is usually the norm.
View attachment 3913
The 44
hipocampus Board Rep and all around nice fucking guy
Proviron Bayer
Product name: Proviron 25mg
Content: 20 tabs. 25 mg/each
Manufacturer: Bayer
Chemical name: Mesterolone
***44 NOTE***
Proviron is a DHT derivative used by AAS bodybuilders to reduce the aromatisation of testosterone and its derivatives. Thus, effectively there will be more free testosterone, which the human body uses to build muscle. Additionally it has been reported through AAS users to help amplify the effect of a cycle (since it increases the amount of free testosterone).
However, in order to substantiate my aforementioned point, proviron does help to release free testosterone, thus increasing overall free testosterone levels useful for bodybuilding. In addition, proviron also helps keep estrogen levels under control in the male body (which means it can be used to compliment your AI (whether it be asin, adex, caber, letro)) - but this compound cannot be used for PCT.
Bodybuilders use proviron for four main reasons outlined below:
1) As a result of proviron's atomic structure it is incapable of forming estrogen. Therefore, due to the increased strength (in comparison to testosterone) in its binding ability to 'latch-on' to the estrogen binding enzymes, it prevents estrogen build-up.
2) As previously mentioned, proviron increases the amount of free testosterone in the male human body. This is a very important point to consider, since approximately ~98% of testosterone is bound to the sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG), thus, since it is bound to the SHBG it is not free testosterone any more and therefore cannot be used to build muscle.
3) As a DHT derivative, proviron contributes towards a feeling of 'well being' (commonly referred to as anabolic well-being) in males, thus it has been used to treat depression in men in the past. Additionally, bodybuilders use it to 'dry up' for competitions, however Masteron is the preferred choice and considered as a better option (proviron has been named as an oral masteron - this topic is debateable). The increase in hardness comes from a reduction in free estrogen levels, thus decreasing water retention.
4) Proviron is frequently used with compounds such as deca - as it adds an androgenic component to the cycle. Thus preventing a loss in male libido and impotence and helps a males sex-drive upto a certain point. However, it makes much more sense to use testosterone (and compounds like prop, tne, suspension) which are very useful since it's a natural sexual hormone.
A dosage of 25mg ED is considered to be an effective dosage for proviron.
To finalize supplementation of 25mg proviron a day during 19-nor-progesterone cycle will help to aid and (I use this word with caution) amplify the effects of that particular cycle, since there is in increase in free testosterone, which is what the human body utilizes to build muscle. I dose it at 100mg daily, however 50mg is usually the norm.
View attachment 3913
The 44
hipocampus Board Rep and all around nice fucking guy