
High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

coalman said:
This is interesting.they don't run estrogrn on me just test.I'm also 200 a week.ive never ran an Ai even on low dose dbol.I'm going to be watching this post.
Yeah that is interesting alright. No wait..that actually is sad. WTF? They do not even realize the estrogen issue. They do not know!! Call your doc tomorrow and tell him that your clit is bothering are docs and there really is no excuse for the ignorance
coalman said:
This is interesting.they don't run estrogrn on me just test.I'm also 200 a week.ive never ran an Ai even on low dose dbol.I'm going to be watching this post.

low dose as in what, 20mg a day? i am guessing at that low of a dose it wouldnt be that big of a problem as far as side effects are concerned?
I can't disagree about the doc although he gives me 200 a week.generous I think.I have mentioned armidex .yes my dbol dosage is 20 mg daily when I use it.if I'm taking a brand I haven't used ill go 10 the first week and then bump it .I've got gen shi right now.usually british dispensary.I like my doc the way he is.I'm getting good info here.he isn't a high on dbol before you guys would recommend an ai as a must.honestly I get good results on 20.feel great actually.
I think you should get your estrogen under control before using dbol again
1. Your doctor does not know his ass from a hole in the ground

2. Your levels on everything are so out of whack that its terrifying a "doctor" would allow this to occur

3. You ALWAYS have to taper off letro and that was just a poor thing to put you on in the first place

4. Aromasin is what you need now far more than anything else but start it at 12.5 mg every day and get things under control first and then drop to every other day

5. proviron would be a good addition here as well

6. are you just getting test injections or is a gel ?

7. the estrogen levels you at are not bad they are dangerous!
I think I should get my estrogen checked before I decide its out of control.if thats a clit between my legs its the hugest one ive ever cant say the same for my nuts.maybe this is what happened to old Bruce Jenner.ill catch this guy in a good mood and get an Ai.if my winny don't come in soon I'm takein the dbol.may not be wise but that20 wouldn't give me gyni just a little bloat.I think the bd is stronger than the grnshi anyway.just my opinion but I think a lot of sides are dose related.
coalman said:
I think I should get my estrogen checked before I decide its out of control.if thats a clit between my legs its the hugest one ive ever cant say the same for my nuts.maybe this is what happened to old Bruce Jenner.ill catch this guy in a good mood and get an Ai.if my winny don't come in soon I'm takein the dbol.may not be wise but that20 wouldn't give me gyni just a little bloat.I think the bd is stronger than the grnshi anyway.just my opinion but I think a lot of sides are dose related.

yeah but dude if your estro levels are that high, adding DBol (even small doses) seems risky, dont you think?
Lol if that's a clit between my legs its the bigest one ive ever seen.cant say the same for the nuts though.oh well sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't.
My computers a little wacky excuse the double post.ive done 20mg many times usually four gyno.estrogen could be high I don't really know.maybe 30 would do it so ill probably just stay at 20.I was planning on useing winstrol this time but unless it gets here by Monday I'm probably useing the dbol.ive got a good source but there slow and I had one seized.I'm thinking about trying these guys and I'm deffinately going to read up on provin and ais.brest advice here but I think I'm smart keeping my doses low.I'm 50 and just havering fun.I would love it if I could still bench 405 at sixty.ive worked in a coalmine over thirty years and still have good lungs so anythings possible.spikedeggnog lol Santa's favorite.atleast in my house.
coalman said:
My computers a little wacky excuse the double post.ive done 20mg many times usually four gyno.estrogen could be high I don't really know.maybe 30 would do it so ill probably just stay at 20.I was planning on useing winstrol this time but unless it gets here by Monday I'm probably useing the dbol.ive got a good source but there slow and I had one seized.I'm thinking about trying these guys and I'm deffinately going to read up on provin and ais.brest advice here but I think I'm smart keeping my doses low.I'm 50 and just havering fun.I would love it if I could still bench 405 at sixty.ive worked in a coalmine over thirty years and still have good lungs so anythings possible.spikedeggnog lol Santa's favorite.atleast in my house.

lol, i hate eggnog i just made this name up when i was younger as a joke and it stuck..

but yeah Proviron and Aromasin defnitely sound like good options for you. the Proviron should stack perfectly with the DBol too
I would not recommend anything extra that aromatizes like Dbol until you get checked and get that estrogen under control
I'm gonna take your advice.I may have to skip this go around.I time everything around my bloodeork.they do it every 3 months.Dylan made a cycle suggestion but due to my window it wouldn't work.picking up bottle of cyp today.ive got a good stash of test.
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