
High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help


New member
Currently on TRT 200mg of Cyp a week, divided in two shots. Did my blood work a week ago and my estrogen levels are 701 pg/ml and test levels are 317. Dr prescribed 1mg a week of arimidex. Would that dosage help and should I add any other drug/supp.
Aromasin will work much better than adex. Run aromasin 12mg every other day

701 E2? Wow! I didn't know it could get that high...

317 test...that's still low too isn't it? Are you going to try and get that up a bit?

I'm still learning myself and that's why I'm asking these questions...
I'm on the real high of the estrogen levels. Need to get this shit under control. Scared I might be turning into a bitch.

My E2 is 44 pg/ml which is high by a couple of points.
My estrogen is at 701.

I'm thinking it's the conversion of test to estrogen not being controlled.
I'm on my first cycle and I'm having some hormonal sides that may be estrogen related so I feel you... It's all a learning process
Re: RE: Re: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

Dolfan786 said:
I'm on the real high of the estrogen levels. Need to get this shit under control. Scared I might be turning into a bitch.

My E2 is 44 pg/ml which is high by a couple of points.
My estrogen is at 701.

I'm thinking it's the conversion of test to estrogen not being controlled.

I see... 44 is the number I was looking for... Yeah that's just a tad high...

Some forum members have said you want to try to get your Testosterone above that's from our perspective not a Doctor's so don't quote me on that...

I think RickRock says his is around 900 on cruise...
Re: RE: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

Dolfan786 said:
Currently on TRT 200mg of Cyp a week, divided in two shots. Did my blood work a week ago and my estrogen levels are 701 pg/ml and test levels are 317. Dr prescribed 1mg a week of arimidex. Would that dosage help and should I add any other drug/supp.
How long have you been at the 200mg Test C dose? And that test number is for total test or free? No way could that be total test at 200mg per week.

You are hereby estrogen sensitive obviously, so you will probably need an AI on TRT all the time to stay in range. Aromasin is better than arimadex and also lipid friendly. I would run that 12.5mg EOD
Cbbram, you're right my test levels should be higher especially running the 200mg of Cyp a week. But I need my estrogen under control and I'm sure the test levels will rise.

I just need guidance on how to Lower that estrogen, like a previous post advised to take aromasin. I'm going to check it out.
All the research I've done and nearly everyone here will recommend Aromasin

12.5 eod is a good starting dose...
RickRock I've been on prescription TRT 200mg a week for almost a year. The dr put me on letro 2.5mg a week but that just made me feel awful. So I stopped and just did the test Cyp alone for 2 months did my blood work and got those results. So dr put on 1mg a week of arimidex. But I think that won't do the trick.
Re: RE: Re: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

Dolfan786 said:
RickRock I've been on prescription TRT 200mg a week for almost a year. The dr put me on letro 2.5mg a week but that just made me feel awful. So I stopped and just did the test Cyp alone for 2 months did my blood work and got those results. So dr put on 1mg a week of arimidex. But I think that won't do the trick.
Yeh you definitely don't want to use Letro. That shit will make you feel horrible and totally kill your estrogen, dick, and joints. Adex will work, but aromasin is more ideal
Re: RE: Re: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

Dolfan786 said:
RickRock I've been on prescription TRT 200mg a week for almost a year. The dr put me on letro 2.5mg a week but that just made me feel awful. So I stopped and just did the test Cyp alone for 2 months did my blood work and got those results. So dr put on 1mg a week of arimidex. But I think that won't do the trick.
Did you just stop the letro completely? If you were on 2.5 mg and then just stopped the letro that would definitely excplain your elevated estrogen.

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Re: RE: Re: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

Dolfan786 said:
Yeah, Bleed I just stopped completely. I felt like shit on the letro.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, that makes sense. You should never stop letro cold turkey, it has terrible estrogen rebound effects.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
Re: RE: Re: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

cbbram said:
Dolfan786 said:
I'm on the real high of the estrogen levels. Need to get this shit under control. Scared I might be turning into a bitch.

My E2 is 44 pg/ml which is high by a couple of points.
My estrogen is at 701.

I'm thinking it's the conversion of test to estrogen not being controlled.

I see... 44 is the number I was looking for... Yeah that's just a tad high...

Some forum members have said you want to try to get your Testosterone above that's from our perspective not a Doctor's so don't quote me on that...

I think RickRock says his is around 900 on cruise...

600-700 is normalish but nothing crazy. Mine is 500-700 depending on what time of week, 500 is very last day before inject. But i take a very low dose of Test - 100mg, so if he is taking 200mg it should be at least 7-800
Dolfan786 said:
Cbbram, you're right my test levels should be higher especially running the 200mg of Cyp a week. But I need my estrogen under control and I'm sure the test levels will rise.

I just need guidance on how to Lower that estrogen, like a previous post advised to take aromasin. I'm going to check it out.

Aromasin, Proviron
Re: RE: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

RickRock said:
Dolfan786 said:
Currently on TRT 200mg of Cyp a week, divided in two shots. Did my blood work a week ago and my estrogen levels are 701 pg/ml and test levels are 317. Dr prescribed 1mg a week of arimidex. Would that dosage help and should I add any other drug/supp.
How long have you been at the 200mg Test C dose? And that test number is for total test or free? No way could that be total test at 200mg per week.

You are hereby estrogen sensitive obviously, so you will probably need an AI on TRT all the time to stay in range. Aromasin is better than arimadex and also lipid friendly. I would run that 12.5mg EOD

yeah that's Total Test, and extremely low for 200mg. Mine is 5-700 only on 100mg for a cross reference..this dude must have some serious Estro conversion or something..
Re: RE: High Estrogen levels on TRT!! Help

SpikedEggnog said:
RickRock said:
Dolfan786 said:
Currently on TRT 200mg of Cyp a week, divided in two shots. Did my blood work a week ago and my estrogen levels are 701 pg/ml and test levels are 317. Dr prescribed 1mg a week of arimidex. Would that dosage help and should I add any other drug/supp.
How long have you been at the 200mg Test C dose? And that test number is for total test or free? No way could that be total test at 200mg per week.

You are hereby estrogen sensitive obviously, so you will probably need an AI on TRT all the time to stay in range. Aromasin is better than arimadex and also lipid friendly. I would run that 12.5mg EOD

yeah that's Total Test, and extremely low for 200mg. Mine is 5-700 only on 100mg for a cross reference..this dude must have some serious Estro conversion or something..

Yes that's very hard to believe from that test dose. It almost looks like bunk test, but if it's pharma grade from a doc prescription, it's definitely not. I've never heard of levels that low at that kind of dose before.
wow that is wacky dude. If you are going to stay on trt then stay on arom. So the doc gave you would think he would know better. It is pretty obviuos sometimes that the guys on this board make the docs look dumb
This is interesting.they don't run estrogrn on me just test.I'm also 200 a week.ive never ran an Ai even on low dose dbol.I'm going to be watching this post.
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