
High Estradiol and Normal Natural Testosterone


New member
I m a 22 year old male who has never taken steroids, I need help !!

Height - 183 cm (6 ft)
Weight - 154 lbs(70 kg)
Waist- 34 inch

I have depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
Mental fog. Inability to think.
I have very low sex drive (almost non-existent) and ED.
Inability to experience orgasmic pleasure.
Very small amount of Breast tissue development.
I have Gynecoid fat distribution (fat around belly, butt and thighs)
Less Muscular development.
I have no body hair and patchy facial hair.
I keep crying a lot.
There is too much fat on my face. I look like I m 18.

I m facing these issues since puberty but now depression getting really bad
I have a sedentary lifestyle. I don't exercise. I don't smoke. Drink rarely.

I thought I might be having low testosterone levels, So I went ahead and got my blood work done. Here are the results.

Total Testosterone 771.3 ng/dl (249-836)
Free Testosterone 0.70 nmol/L (0.198-0.619)
Bioavaliable Testosterone 16.4 nmol/L (4.36-14.3)
Estradiol 49.9 pg/ml (7.63-42.6)
Prolaction 17.7 ng/ml (4-15.2 ng/ml)
LH 5.5 mIU/ml (1.7-8.6)
FSH 1.7 mIU/ml (1.5-12.4)

I was shocked to see that my testosterone levels are high normal. Free testosterone higher than normal. Low FSH.

My estrogen levels are elevated. They are very high.

My doctors feel that my hormones are completely normal. They believe that high estrogen does not cause problems as long as testosterone levels are normal.I asked for a prescription of an AI. They refused. They sent me to a psychiatrist who prescribed me antidepressants. I m taking antidepressants from past 2 months, I m still depressed, infact i m more depressed than before.

I ve found a doctor who is willing to prescribe me arimidex but the doctor does not know what he is doing. I really need help.

Everywhere on the internet, I only see instances of people who are on TRT using arimidex. I ve not come across any article where in the person has used an AI without being on TRT.

I have a few questions.

1. Do u know of people who are on arimidex because they have high estrogen naturally? (and not because they are on TRT)
2. Is it possible to reduce Estrogen levels naturally?
3. Should I take aromasin or arimidex? What dosage?
4. Will i start feeling less depressed and lead a normal life if i get estrogen to optimal levels(22-28)?
5. Is low FSH caused by High estrogen?
Your prolactin is also Hugh bro, and that could be contributing big time. That,needs to come down as that can affect a lot of things including sexual function and desire.
First and foremost...consult with an Endocrinologist

for the most part...Your blood work looks very good....your estradiol is a little high but not that much ....prolactin and estradiol go hand in hand

I'm baffled by your stats...6' 154# and a 34" waist ???
I'm 5'10 190# and have a 30" waist
Would you consider yourself "skinny fat"
What is your body fat percentage???
High BF can in and of itself raise estrogen

Do you exercise...lift cardio???
What is your diet like? Macro's
First and foremost...consult with an Endocrinologist

for the most part...Your blood work looks very good....your estradiol is a little high but not that much ....prolactin and estradiol go hand in hand

I'm baffled by your stats...6' 154# and a 34" waist ???
I'm 5'10 190# and have a 30" waist
Would you consider yourself "skinny fat"
What is your body fat percentage???
High BF can in and of itself raise estrogen

Do you exercise...lift cardio???
What is your diet like? Macro's
Very good points here indeed. A lot of these things can be lifestyle induced
First and foremost...consult with an Endocrinologist

for the most part...Your blood work looks very good....your estradiol is a little high but not that much ....prolactin and estradiol go hand in hand

I'm baffled by your stats...6' 154# and a 34" waist ???
I'm 5'10 190# and have a 30" waist
Would you consider yourself "skinny fat"
What is your body fat percentage???
High BF can in and of itself raise estrogen

Do you exercise...lift cardio???
What is your diet like? Macro's

I used to be 165 lbs before. Then I started working out. I was maintaining a high protien low fat diet. I started to lose muscle mass. I didn't lose fat around my belly. Then I stopped working out because I started to feel very weak.

I think I m skinny fat. My body fat percentage is around 22%.

I ve consulted 3 Endocrinologists, 3 General Physicians and a Psychiatrist :p, they all think I have no problem. Apparently its all in my head . I m from India, here Endocrinologists have experience of only treating diabetes/thyroid problems.

I ve tried to lose body fat, but i could not. What should I do?
i would get your thyroid checked because thats what it sounds like to me unless you THINK you have a good diet and simply do not, which is quite common but otherwise, it may be a thyroid problem...
i would get your thyroid checked because thats what it sounds like to me unless you THINK you have a good diet and simply do not, which is quite common but otherwise, it may be a thyroid problem...

My thyroid results are -
Total T3 1.17ng/ml (0.83-2.00)
Total T4 8.43 ug/dl (4.58-12.0)
Total TSH 2.24 uIU/ml (0.27-4.2)

They all seam to be normal. I ve never gotten my free t3, t4, tsh tested.
My diet is not very great.
what do you mean by "not very great?" how were your cholesterol levels? what does your diet generally look like... fuck yes that can contribute to this man
what do you mean by "not very great?" how were your cholesterol levels? what does your diet generally look like... fuck yes that can contribute to this man

Here are my cholesterol test results.

Cholesterol Total(CHO-POD) 157.0 mg/dl (<200 Desirable)
Triglycerides(Enzymatic) 92.0 mg/dl (<150 Normal)
HDL Cholesterol 44.0 mg/dl (<40 mg/dl Low(High Risk), >60 High(Low Risk))
LDL Cholesterol 110.0 mg/dl (<100 optimal, 100-129 Near Optimal)
VLDL 18.4 mg/dl (0-30 mg/dl)
Total Cholesterol/ HDL Ratio(Calculated) 3.6 (<3.5 Optimal)

My Carbohydrates intake is high. I have 4 meals a day(Rice based). I eat decent amount of fruits and vegetables. I eat junk food 2-3 times a week. I don't excercise.
well what exactly do you expect? you have bad cholesterol, you have a shit diet and you dont workout... LOLLL am i missing something??? what do you expect to happen? to be in good condition bro? i mean, im not trying to be a dick but you are wasting people's time when you already know what your problem is... i mean, look at this dude? you are going to have so many issues with the way you live your life! you are UNHEALTHY so of course you will be depressed and have anxiety... noone can do anything about the fact you just dont do anything for yourself to keep yourself healthy... i mean bro, thats just common sense
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