BP is a topic that needs good medical attention. Having said that, it is not uncommon (I have it) that sometime during the PCT BP spikes as the body responds and adjusts to hormones. Remember everyone responds a little differently so don't take mine for yours. Dbol is notably one AAS of many that is well known for spikes in BP. Causes bloat, which means we retain sodium that can increase BP. The other thing is what is your standard BP? I am not on cycle but I measure mine three times a day... upon arising, mid-day at peak of work stress, and at bed time. This gives me great baselines to manage from when on AAS cycle or Sarms. By the way on the heaviest of Sarms cycles I see no change overall in my BP. On AAS, Deca spikes it, Test can, Tren is a major culprit, and Dbol is a no no in my world for BP and liver.