
Hey. I had some questions about running a short anavar cycle!


New member
Hi. I came up on some anavar and was thinking about doing a short cycle. I was thinking about What stuff to take to protect myself and pct! Like I said it's gonna be a very short cycle. maybe three weeks. What would be a good doses too?
mannybanda07 said:
Hi. I came up on some anavar and was thinking about doing a short cycle. I was thinking about What stuff to take to protect myself and pct! Like I said it's gonna be a very short cycle. maybe three weeks. What would be a good doses too?

First I'd like to ask you what your goal is and what your current stats are

Honestly I don't see the point in running Anavar for such a short period of time. You really will be selling yourself short, as Anavar is very mild anyways, and you will get very little if anything from that. If you want to run it, run it a full 6 weeks. Get some liver support like milk thistle, TUDCA, and NAC. For PCT run the following

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 20/20/10/10
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
mannybanda07 said:
Hi. I came up on some anavar and was thinking about doing a short cycle. I was thinking about What stuff to take to protect myself and pct! Like I said it's gonna be a very short cycle. maybe three weeks. What would be a good doses too?

First I'd like to ask you what your goal is and what your current stats are

Honestly I don't see the point in running Anavar for such a short period of time. You really will be selling yourself short, as Anavar is very mild anyways, and you will get very little if anything from that. If you want to run it, run it a full 6 weeks. Get some liver support like milk thistle, TUDCA, and NAC. For PCT run the following

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 20/20/10/10
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
mannybanda07 said:
Hi. I came up on some anavar and was thinking about doing a short cycle. I was thinking about What stuff to take to protect myself and pct! Like I said it's gonna be a very short cycle. maybe three weeks. What would be a good doses too?

what are your stats bro? age/height/weight/body fat?

why would you run anavar for three weeks? that's a complete waste bro... just save your time and money if your not going to run it properly... it really does not even get going until 10-14 days in... 3 weeks is beyond pointless... is this your first cycle of anything?
Anavar as an oral only cycle is a poor choice bro and I'd need stats before I'd advise you on anything.

"At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since."
Yeah it my first cycle of anything. I'm 25 and 5'9 and currently at 160. I'm about at 14-16% body fat. My cousin had some left over from his cycle and gave it to me. He said it's probably around 3 weeks worth so that's why I had only that amount. So my best bet would be to just save it?
Re: RE: Re: Hey. I had some questions about running a short anavar cycle!

mannybanda07 said:
Yeah it my first cycle of anything. I'm 25 and 5'9 and currently at 160. I'm about at 14-16% body fat. My cousin had some left over from his cycle and gave it to me. He said it's probably around 3 weeks worth so that's why I had only that amount. So my best bet would be to just save it?
Yes, you should just save it and obtain some more for a 6 week cycle.

You should also in the meantime do a lot of reading and research, not only on anavar but compounds that are highly advisable to run with anavar. Look up people's logs that have ran var only cycles, most wished they hadn't. You should contemplate adding test with the var. Also, do some research on sarms, as they would be much more beneficial to you right now than 3 or 6 weeks of a var only cycle.

Good luck brother, if you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask. There are a lot of great minds on this forum.
mannybanda07 said:
Yeah it my first cycle of anything. I'm 25 and 5'9 and currently at 160. I'm about at 14-16% body fat. My cousin had some left over from his cycle and gave it to me. He said it's probably around 3 weeks worth so that's why I had only that amount. So my best bet would be to just save it?

Yes, I wouldn't use it unless you can use it to its full potential. I think It would be much better to run some sarms first for your current situation. They are more suited for your current goals, are very mild on side effects, and great for recomposition. A triple stack from pure essence for 12 weeks could really help you add muscle and lose bodyfat at the same time with the right diet. Here is a good setup for you

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW 20mg per day

PCT afterwards with Clomid 25/25/25/25
mannybanda07 said:
Yeah it my first cycle of anything. I'm 25 and 5'9 and currently at 160. I'm about at 14-16% body fat. My cousin had some left over from his cycle and gave it to me. He said it's probably around 3 weeks worth so that's why I had only that amount. So my best bet would be to just save it?

what are your goals from the cycle? Rick gave you an excellent starter cycle that I strongly recommend taking a look at...
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Anavar only cycles are best for the ladies.

In order to get the most from it, as a man, running some test alongside and well past the anavar will solidify the gains you make.
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