
hey guys self administered TRT


hey guys i am 23, 76 kilos, 176cm i have started taking 250mg of test E per week for trt i was told that its slightly high, i was told that dropping it down to 200mg would be better in the long term..

i have been training for 7 years

the reason i am doing this my numbers, came back within normal range, but i felt they were shit house, and had alot of problems with low T symptoms everything else was checked and came back normal.

(i am Australian)
my E2 was 101 (<160) (took .5 armidex sunday and thursday the week before bloods) currently haven taken any for a week (and feel better)
my test was 34 (11-32)
progesterone 0.4 (<4.3)
all other levels are fine these were taken the 3rd week of injections.

just wanted to see what people think of this.

Yea 250 is a little high, you might have to experiment with the dose to get to a level that helps with your Low T but doesn't cause unnecessary problems. I don't generally like advising experimenting with AAS so keep it smart and safe.
5 days after my injection, it came back 34 (970 for you muricans) its close to "within range"

my doctor seen them she said they are a little high but nothing to be really worried about
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5 days after my injection, it came back 34 (970 for you muricans) its close to "within range"

my doctor seen them she said they are a little high but nothing to be really worried about

970 is in (and I hate this word) "normal" range. That's @ 250 per week? How many pins of 250 per week before you had the test?
test E needs to be injected twice a week.

and 250mg per week is high. 250 a week and youre only at 970?? where did you get your Test?
You are 23 years old and you want to self administer TRT
Bro... you have no clue to the can of worms you are opening up
You do not have the proper medical training and knowledge to evaluate your symptoms
You have no clue IF TRT is even needed
Go see a qualified endocrinologist to be properly evaluated
TRT and the PERMANENT shut down of your natural testosterone production and altering your complete hormone system is nothing to fuck around with
well todays shot equals 1 month

buen, my total T is at 295 pmol/l my doctor said maybe a private script, over here you been to be at around 100 to be considered for trt.. you may aswell have a vagina.
well todays shot equals 1 month

buen, my total T is at 295 pmol/l my doctor said maybe a private script, over here you been to be at around 100 to be considered for trt.. you may aswell have a vagina.

Low test can be caused my many different factors
Some as simple as low iron or low zinc, over exercising, recreational drug use, certain medications....these are easily treatable
You need to find out what is causing your low test
There are two types of causes ... primary and secondary
Only a qualified doctor can diagnose it....and determine the best course of treatment..which MAY be TRT

But TRT is the treatment of last recourse... used after all other protocols have been tried

You really have no clue what is involved when you start down the TRT road
You need to constantly monitor all your other hormones.. it's a tight rope walk to keep everything in balance
When you substitute TRT for your natural test production you affect/alter up to 300 different hormones
You not only shut down test production... you shut down normal pituitary function
A life time of TRT opens you up for a whole host of future complications including possible increased risk of heart attack, prostrate cancer and libido issues to name a few
Protect it with everything you have
Btw...I have been on TRT for 15 years due to a pituitary tumor ... I would trade it in a heart beat to have 400ng/dL natural test production
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A knowledgeable DR would have prescribed you clomid first for 4 weeks as a diagnostic to see how you felt.
i also agree with buen and jp... a doctor with half a brain, or even 1/4 a brain would try other methods first at your age, clomid being one of them...
I work with doctors everyday, some are truly brilliant and gifted , but some so dumb they'd trip over a cordless phone.

Its the textbook DR's you wanna avoid.

Lemme give you an example, long ago when my back was really bad, it was all seized up and I was literally hanging on a 2x4 as a crutch.

Walk in the doctors office, explained my situation, first question he asked me, is to bend over and touch my toes. I looked at him a look of liek "How fuckign stupid are you, my back muscles are all seized up and I'm hanging on a 2x4!

Thats a textbook doctor. Cuz thats what the textbook says to do as a diagnostic.

The "out of the box" thinking DR's are who you wanna see.
i appreciate everybody concern, but im alread on, and i feel alot better. and thats what matters doesnt it?

how low would you guys suggest drop my dose down to then?

over here, no doctor even wants to think about trt, "its in your head" thats their theory, ive seen an endo and he said your to young to have erection dysfunction, but i know my old fella wasnt working at all. we dont have any "trt" clinics over here,

i have found a doctor who is willing to help me with my bloods and such, and shes doing research on trt.

all my levels came back normal she said shes very happy with my levels, my brain fog is gone and i feel really good. i have armidex on hand if needed (my E2 came to 101 and my shbg is 54)
Ultimately all that matters is how you feel, but it was a risky way to determine it, if the problem had lied elsewhere.
Some people need more test than others to reach upper normal range, so as long as your bloods come back right and you are being monitored correctly that's what matters.

What concerns me is your age. It's way too early for trt in my opinion. I'd try to get your natty levels up if it were me before making a lifetime commitment...but that's ultimately your choice to live with

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
of course the idea is to feel better but what good would it be if it shortens your life or give you problems later... you act like people are out to get you here or something... if you want to continue to run it at 250 then by all means... but im telling you right now, thats too fucking high for trt and it will end up probably shortening your life span...
thanks guys, it means alot!!

if you can give some suggest how where to run it anybody? i was thinking maybe 200mg or even 150mg

250 gave me the high end range 5 days from the last shot
150 is the dose you should really try to stay at... 200 is the absolute highest you should be with trt dosing
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