Hello, I need advise for my Mom she is 42 years old and took her first steroid cycle. She was only on for 1 month, she took Tren 1ml once a week for 2 weeks. Test Prop 0.5ml once a week for 4 weeks and Anavar 10mg once a week for 4 weeks. She did not take any on cycle support nor did she take a PCT. It has now been a month that she's been off an she has now gained 20lb and continues to gain weight. She feels bloated and swollen and also feels her Lymph nodes swollen aswell. Her goal was not to get big but to get shredded and lean. She had blood work done during the cycle on the 2nd week and everything was fine. She has not had blood work done since. Please advise what she needs to take in order to get back to normal. Any advise is appreciated. Thank you