

just got some alarming news. just called in to check my lab results and they stated my estrodial is Below 23 out of a max of 39 this would mean i actually have LOW estrogen now which is just as bad as high i am told. im having all the symptoms some one would have if they had high estrogen. nipples itching. bloated..weak... tears when watching movies or shows. taking long as hell to ejaculate.. no clue what to do hear guys and i started aromasin yesterday. No im not on Test or any other anabolics.
just got some alarming news. just called in to check my lab results and they stated my estrodial is Below 23 out of a max of 39 this would mean i actually have LOW estrogen now which is just as bad as high i am told. im having all the symptoms some one would have if they had high estrogen. nipples itching. bloated..weak... tears when watching movies or shows. taking long as hell to ejaculate.. no clue what to do hear guys and i started aromasin yesterday. No im not on Test or any other anabolics.

exemestane is the clincial name for aromasin... aromasin is the generic name.. the doctor should still know this and the fact they do not is quite scary...

your estrogen is not too low if its in the 20's at all... just stay on moderate doses of your ai and you'll be fine... do you know the exact number?
yeah it is scary honestly ran into 3 doctors who didn't know what the hell i was talking about. They just want to jam nolva and adex down your throught even after you tell them it doesnt help you. I did the Labs at Quest diagnostics. The chart said exactly this, 23 or below out of 39. The way the chart was displayed it read as if it will not give a reading if its below 23 no exact number given
exemestane is the clincial name for aromasin... aromasin is the generic name.. the doctor should still know this and the fact they do not is quite scary...

your estrogen is not too low if its in the 20's at all... just stay on moderate doses of your ai and you'll be fine... do you know the exact number?

should i drop the aromasin all together now? or just keep taking maybe a 6.25 dose for a bit ?
its hard to say because all you said was that it was under a certain number so without knowing exactly where its at, its impossible to say..

yeah i wish the lab results gave an exact number. seems if its under 23 there isn't a exact number. so like you said its impossible to know
yeah i wish the lab results gave an exact number. seems if its under 23 there isn't a exact number. so like you said its impossible to know

what kind of lab is this? ive never seen it where you are not given estradiol at its exact number
what kind of lab is this? ive never seen it where you are not given estradiol at its exact number

it was done at Quest diagnostics. im still having estrogen like symptoms. Nipples soft and random pains and itching. Tears randomly. Really wish i knew what to do. I feel like i should be taking something but if i cant get a bead on the exact estrogen number its going to be hard to judge. I feel like taking a low dose of Nolva for these nipple issues alone. Also getting hot flashes
when running armoasin or nolva how long should you be on it total? month or 2 months of consecutive use? ive neveer ran any AI or SERM for longer than a 1 month period. Im retaining water and have nipple issues i really want to put this to bed once and for all
when running armoasin or nolva how long should you be on it total? month or 2 months of consecutive use? ive neveer ran any AI or SERM for longer than a 1 month period. Im retaining water and have nipple issues i really want to put this to bed once and for all

at this point, nolva is not the answer... something is off with your blood work or something else because nothing hear makes sense nor adds up bro... you are supposed to stay on aromasin your entire cycle and in pct as well... you can stay on it far longer than a month especially if its needed... get aromasin now... run it 12.5 mg every day for 7-10 days and then assess... if you find it has it under control, drop it to every other day... here is a link for some very strong aromasin...
at this point, nolva is not the answer... something is off with your blood work or something else because nothing hear makes sense nor adds up bro... you are supposed to stay on aromasin your entire cycle and in pct as well... you can stay on it far longer than a month especially if its needed... get aromasin now... run it 12.5 mg every day for 7-10 days and then assess... if you find it has it under control, drop it to every other day... here is a link for some very strong aromasin...

your right it doesn't make sense or add up. I never have done a TRT cycle and never have done any form of anabolic steroid. The most ive ever done was clomid and adex at the same time for a few weeks barley a month because the doctor told me to and thats what caused this issue i been trying to contact you about dylan. Im not against TRT or steroids and will not say anything negative about it. Honestly came to this site because my estrodial wasn't being controlled properly by doctors. I know your saying i should be taking armosin during my cycle and PCT but i never been on a cycle of testosterone or steroids.

I finally got my labs back my self because they were obviously reading them wrong over the phone. This is the first lab result where my estrodial has been in range in the past 3 years.

23 out of a max of 39.

60-190 (pg/mL)


35.0-155.0 (pg/mL)

From my experience these are pretty average numbers and honestly shouldn't be having any issues.

I have had a ultrasound of my nipples and chest because im still having sensitive and itchy nipples.all came back fine. crying randomly, Weak, not lean at all right now even tho nothing has changed diet or training wise. still hitting the stacks and doing 20-25 minute of cardio a few times a week defiantly more lifting than cardio so i have no clue what to do. Especially knowing that all my labs seem to be back in range. and those labs were taken when i was on nothing but vitamins.
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