


Hi, I am a female and looking at doing a 6 week cycle on anavar and GW501506.

For the first 6 weeks:
Monday- Sunday:
7AM: 5mg of anavar
11AM: 4 tablets of N2 Guard
3PM: 5mg Anavar
7PM: 3 tablets of N2 Guard
7:30PM: GW501506 (as i read you take it half hour before exercise and on rest days first thing on a morning?)

I am doing this for 6 weeks and I will continue to take my N2Guard and GW for a further 6-8 weeks after (so in total 12-16 weeks as told to do so).

I really would like to know is 'if I should be taking a PCT (what if so)?

I have everything I need just waiting on my GW to get delivered, all I'm wanting to know is what should I be taking for a PCT

No negative comments because I'm just asking for help and advice not criticism like I got on my last post. I've spoke to Gemelli about this before anyone decides to criticize, I just want to know about the PCT?????
Yes I put this questions along the same lines on there, but just wanting different peoples advice as everyone is telling me different things or negative things which I don't want I just wanna know about the PCT if I should be taking one or not and what?

Thats all I need to know
Yes I put this questions along the same lines on there, but just wanting different peoples advice as everyone is telling me different things or negative things which I don't want I just wanna know about the PCT if I should be taking one or not and what?

Thats all I need to know

Ok well dump the n2guard. Its crap. And go find a better support. I personally use detoxin. Which can be purchased at nutrishop or online.

The var dosage is fine. But what are your stats like age weight hieght bf% experience etc

I've heard alot of stuff about N2 Guard saying its the number 1 stuff for cycling and Dylan Gemelli supports it all the way.

Im 21 female 5''3 im 14.5 stone and im unsure of my bf%
I've heard alot of stuff about N2 Guard saying its the number 1 stuff for cycling and Dylan Gemelli supports it all the way.

Im 21 female 5''3 im 14.5 stone and im unsure of my bf%

Well he doesnt support it anymore. Dont believe the evo propaganda. Its really useless.

And i would just take ur var all at once not am pm. Just 10mg a day. Make it easy

I've heard alot of stuff about N2 Guard saying its the number 1 stuff for cycling and Dylan Gemelli supports it all the way.

Im 21 female 5''3 im 14.5 stone and im unsure of my bf%

Pic of physique for bf assesment?

I already have it, guys I just really really need advice on the PCT? SHOULD I BE TAKING ONE?

As a female no. Once ur cycle is done u take equal amount of time off. 6 weeks on 6 weeks off

why did you make another thread for???? ... we already answered your question on the last thread
why did you make another thread for???? ... we already answered your question on the last thread
This is what I'm wondering as well. We already covered All of this in the first thread you posted with the sane questions.

Another thread is not necessary

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I already have it, guys I just really really need advice on the PCT? SHOULD I BE TAKING ONE?

As I said in your other thread, no pct is required as a female. You don't have testosterone levels to normalize like a male does.

You are fine to take the n2guard if you already have it. I just wouldn't waste money on it again. Just get CEL cycle assist for a third of the price that covers you well
As I said in your other thread, no pct is required as a female. You don't have testosterone levels to normalize like a male does.

You are fine to take the n2guard if you already have it. I just wouldn't waste money on it again. Just get CEL cycle assist for a third of the price that covers you well

thank you just some people are telling me i should be taking a good testosterone tablet and yous are saying no just wanted more opinions tbh.
for example: on evo im getting this

Women produce testosterone just like men do. The only difference is that men produce testosterone in their testes and women produce testosterone in their ovaries. Using any steroid will suppress natural testosterone production. This is true for both men and women.

After your steroid cycle you are going to want to use a bottle of a good natural testosterone booster like HCGenerate ES from as a mini PCT after your cycle. 5 capsules/day for 30 days.

so what is right and what is wrong??????
lmao you don't need test and you surely don't need it in pill form. it is far from a woman to produce test like a man. fucking meatheads yes you produce some but not a lot. you do not need a pct are you sure they know you are female? but anyway they are tards you just need to take a few weeks off of the harsh shit you can continue to run sarms unless they are sarms1 then I wouldn't waste my time nor would I go on evo for anymore information,
lmao you don't need test and you surely don't need it in pill form. it is far from a woman to produce test like a man. fucking meatheads yes you produce some but not a lot. you do not need a pct are you sure they know you are female? but anyway they are tards you just need to take a few weeks off of the harsh shit you can continue to run sarms unless they are sarms1 then I wouldn't waste my time nor would I go on evo for anymore information,

yeah they know I put up the same post and alright I'm trusting yous! 6 weeks on 6weeks off with N2 and GW sarms when they get here that is! :D
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