
Help with pct


New member
Hello ,
Im 35 just done my 1st cycle of enanthate test 250mg evry 7days for 12weeks im prepering for a pct i have got novoldex d and clomid im just unsure on how much to take and when i exactly start my pct is 2 weeks after my 12 full weeks ?? Any help would be gratefull cheers ✌
Hello ,
Im 35 just done my 1st cycle of enanthate test 250mg evry 7days for 12weeks im prepering for a pct i have got novoldex d and clomid im just unsure on how much to take and when i exactly start my pct is 2 weeks after my 12 full weeks ?? Any help would be gratefull cheers ✌

You should have had all of this thought out beforehand with a complete oct and pct and have all info and all materials on hand.You need aromasin in your pct also. You can buy it at sarmx.Pct should be six weeks of 50mgs clomid and 40 mg nolvadex each day for 3 weeks. Then 25mg clomid and 20mg nolvadex for another 3 weeks.You should also be taking 15 mgs aromasin every other day.
Hello ,
Im 35 just done my 1st cycle of enanthate test 250mg evry 7days for 12weeks im prepering for a pct i have got novoldex d and clomid im just unsure on how much to take and when i exactly start my pct is 2 weeks after my 12 full weeks ?? Any help would be gratefull cheers [emoji111]

You are just now getting done with the cycle and trying to figure out pct? You really should have all thus planned out before you even start your cycle bro. You are on the right track with Clomid and Nolva, but you need a more complete pct than that. Here is the whole protocol that you need to run

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Yeah u right should of planned thought it would b simple take nolvodex and clomid im in south east asia so il have to see if can get the other things u recomended thanx for the reply .
If i cant hold of the other stuff thats been menthioned am alright with jus nolvodex and clomid ? Il know better for nxt time ✌✌
If i cant hold of the other stuff thats been menthioned am alright with jus nolvodex and clomid ? Il know better for nxt time [emoji111][emoji111]

I can't say you will be "alright" because the pct is incomplete. If it wasn't needed I would t mention the other stuff. Aromasin helps recovery, prevents estrogen rebound and increases free test.....and Mk2866 and GW both will help you keep the gains you made on cycle and even possibly make more.

Nolva and Clomid are defnitely the big pieces of the puzzle, but I recommend the whole protocol.

Acquiring them Should be absolutely no problem at all from

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hello , the mk2866 & gw is there any alternatives dont really want to b ordering them from over seas to thailand even thou can buy test & other steds from the chemist they r still illegal over here so iv got to watch it cheers for the help ✌
Hello , the mk2866 & gw is there any alternatives dont really want to b ordering them from over seas to thailand even thou can buy test & other steds from the chemist they r still illegal over here so iv got to watch it cheers for the help [emoji111]

I'm very sorry bro, but there are no "alternatives" to either of these compounds. They are one of a kind, hence why they are recommended. You either run them or you don't, and I definitely recommend doing so.

Shipping to you is no problem as I indicated. Sarmsx gets through customs all over without issue. They have ways around strict customs

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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Yes, you should have had this planned out beforehand and you know that. That aside, I wanted to say good job on running a conservative first cycle. Too many guys want to run too many compound or too much test their first go around. Waiting till 35yrs old and running 250mg test only was a good move.
Hello , the mk2866 & gw is there any alternatives dont really want to b ordering them from over seas to thailand even thou can buy test & other steds from the chemist they r still illegal over here so iv got to watch it cheers for the help ✌

all of this can be shipped to you with no issue whatsoever from sarmsx bro... you hvae nothing to worry about... here is the link for the entire stack

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
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