I was wondering someone could help me design my test deca winny cycle. I am a 5'8" 170lbs 21 year old who is 14% body fat. I have taken one cycle before of test enanthate for 8 weeks at 250mg ending 4 months ago. I'm an avid powerlifter who has been competing for 5 years. My best comp lifts were 500 squat/295 bench/ 525 deadlift all at 161.4lbs. My personal best was 565lbs squat/ 340lbs bench/ 565lbs deadlift at about 180 lbs. My goal is to put on a lot of strength while gaining a good amount of muscle and keeping body fat relatively low. Ideally I would like to be at 190lbs 11%bf 600lbs squat/ 365lbs bench/ 635lbs deadlift My competition is about 20 weeks away and I wanted to run a cycle from now almost until the comp date. I currently have (4) 10ml vials of test e 250, (2) 10ml vials of deca, (40) arimidex capsules, and I'm about to order (30) 50mg winny tabs. I need to know what I should take for pct and if I'm missing anything as well. So my biggest question is how should I dose everything and what my dosing schedule should look like. I'm wanting to use everything that I've bought in my cycle.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
Thanks in advance for all your help!