
Help with AI dosing please


New member
This is my first post, I've lurked for a long time but finally registered. I have watched just about every video Dylan has on YouTube and read tons of the stuff here, so first thank you for all of that info and thanks to everyone here as well.
So now for the question, I'm on my second cycle, running 400mg/week testE and 25mg/day dbol for 4 weeks after I watched tons of videos about how to not screw up a cycle and to be more cautious vs more reckless. I am also running 12.5 asin EOD along with tudca and NAC for protection. I'm about 1.5 weeks into this and this morning I woke up with sensitive nipples. This happened last cycle on 800mg/week of just sust and I used arimidex to knock it out. However this is worrying me because after all the vids I know dbol converts very highly. What would be yalls recommendation? Should I got 1.5x on asin EOD? Or I also have letro on hand I just don't want to use it unless I have to. Or do I continue with how I'm going for a little bit and see what happens? Any advice yall can give would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again to everyone here and escially Dylan for all of the videos
U can bump it up to 25 mgs eod or 12.5 ed until u finish running the Dbol then go back to 12.5 eod..Ur estrogen has big deal. Just adjust as needed
This is my first post, I've lurked for a long time but finally registered. I have watched just about every video Dylan has on YouTube and read tons of the stuff here, so first thank you for all of that info and thanks to everyone here as well.
So now for the question, I'm on my second cycle, running 400mg/week testE and 25mg/day dbol for 4 weeks after I watched tons of videos about how to not screw up a cycle and to be more cautious vs more reckless. I am also running 12.5 asin EOD along with tudca and NAC for protection. I'm about 1.5 weeks into this and this morning I woke up with sensitive nipples. This happened last cycle on 800mg/week of just sust and I used arimidex to knock it out. However this is worrying me because after all the vids I know dbol converts very highly. What would be yalls recommendation? Should I got 1.5x on asin EOD? Or I also have letro on hand I just don't want to use it unless I have to. Or do I continue with how I'm going for a little bit and see what happens? Any advice yall can give would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again to everyone here and escially Dylan for all of the videos
why would you run sust so high man? i would go with 25 mg eod of aromasin the first 2 weeks at least... also, how do you expect tudca and nac to protect you with oral steroid use? what about blood pressure, kidneys, cholesterol, lipids, all systems of the body????? you need an all in one because what you have is not going to leave you with a good blood panel
OK great, thank yall for the responses. Dylan, the reason I ran sust so high was it was my first cycle and the guy I got it from told me that what you have to run...stupid I know and after I found your videos that's when I learned I didn't need that to get my goals. Hence the 400 now and only 25dbol. He also told me he would do 100dbol a day, which I now know is reckless and stupid.
What do you recommend I go with for the complete protection? I have a bottle of the 210 caps of n2 guard otw and it should be delivered tomorrow. Will that work or is there something else?
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