
HELP Weight Loss stack advice please. 1st timer newbi


New member
Hi all, I'm 6'1 27.yo male from Australia.

I have struggled with obesity my whole life, Iv now got knee problems, had a recent knee surgery, so treadmills lunges and high impact exercises on my knee/legs are out for me. was recently given a BMI of 42 and told i was morbidly obese but im still very energetic person and highly mobile and I really don't think this label fits me. Doctors told me i need to loose weight or my knees will get worse as well as my general health. was prescribed Duromine, tho I'm not a fan of the amphetamine like buzz and tolerance has built up rather quick, and i become rather easily agitated after 5 days or so taking it and take a few days off and go back on.

Body fat % is 33.4 Muscle is 31.5%
When I started my journey I was originally 153.9kg (339 pounds)
I recently entered myself into a 12week competition for abit of a motivator and now im 5 weeks in
For the past month or so iv been under going a strict ketosis diet of
Average daily cal intake is about 800-1200 a day.
max 20g of carbs a day and minimum 125g proteins
I got the gym at least 4 days a week, doing ruffly 60mins heavy weight lifting or super setting and
a 25min HIIT cardio on a cross trainer. 60sec fast intense and 90sec walking ect.
In the morning ill have my fish-oils R-ALA Acetyl-Carnatine BCAA's fat burning pill (mostly caffine greentea and sesamin)
Post work out is a lean WPI shake and more BCAA's and some more R-ALA in the afternoons.

I am now currently 140kg (308 pounds)

Tho lately iv noticed iv started to plateau out and cant seem to break through this 140kg/308lb barrier, so tonight iv had my first cheat meal in awhile to try n re-boost the calorie burning process.

Anyway ill get to my point, iv been doing abit of forum reading and youtub-ing lately and think I'd like to try some sarms
or technically not sarms but some thing in that category to help boost or speed up my weight loss.

I am considering an endurance stack of
Cardarine (GW-501516) and Stenabolic (SR-9009)
to add to my handwork and strict regime.

What are your thoughts on this ? will this help me melt the fat away quicker ?
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I might add S4 as well.

If you only run GW and SR, there is no PCT.
If you add S4, you will need a PCT.
Hi all, I'm 6'1 27.yo male from Australia.

I have struggled with obesity my whole life, Iv now got knee problems, had a recent knee surgery, so treadmills lunges and high impact exercises on my knee/legs are out for me. was recently given a BMI of 42 and told i was morbidly obese but im still very energetic person and highly mobile and I really don't think this label fits me. Doctors told me i need to loose weight or my knees will get worse as well as my general health. was prescribed Duromine, tho I'm not a fan of the amphetamine like buzz and tolerance has built up rather quick, and i become rather easily agitated after 5 days or so taking it and take a few days off and go back on.

Body fat % is 33.4 Muscle is 31.5%
When I started my journey I was originally 153.9kg (339 pounds)
I recently entered myself into a 12week competition for abit of a motivator and now im 5 weeks in
For the past month or so iv been under going a strict ketosis diet of
Average daily cal intake is about 800-1200 a day.
max 20g of carbs a day and minimum 125g proteins
I got the gym at least 4 days a week, doing ruffly 60mins heavy weight lifting or super setting and
a 25min HIIT cardio on a cross trainer. 60sec fast intense and 90sec walking ect.
In the morning ill have my fish-oils R-ALA Acetyl-Carnatine BCAA's fat burning pill (mostly caffine greentea and sesamin)
Post work out is a lean WPI shake and more BCAA's and some more R-ALA in the afternoons.

I am now currently 140kg (308 pounds)

Tho lately iv noticed iv started to plateau out and cant seem to break through this 140kg/308lb barrier, so tonight iv had my first cheat meal in awhile to try n re-boost the calorie burning process.

Anyway ill get to my point, iv been doing abit of forum reading and youtub-ing lately and think I'd like to try some sarms
or technically not sarms but some thing in that category to help boost or speed up my weight loss.

I am considering an endurance stack of
Cardarine (GW-501516) and Stenabolic (SR-9009)
to add to my handwork and strict regime.

What are your thoughts on this ? will this help me melt the fat away quicker ?

hey bro... first off i want to congratulate you on taking control of things and putting forthe the effort you are in getting things turned around and getting yourself in a healthy state...

moving forward... your on the right track here... the best fat burning stack i have for you is the enhanced super stack... its is perfect for you at this point... here are the links for everything you need followed by the layout... and

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Hey Dylan thanks for the kudos and thanks for getting back to me Dyl and JP. That really sounds like a HUGE awesome super stack and no doubt it would burn n blast my fat out, my only problem at the moment is money... I cant really afford the enhanced super stack at the moment. It ends up being over 1,000 AUD and I don't have that kind of cash lying around at the moment, I have maybe just over half of that to spare at the moment, and could probably afford a 12 week endurance stack or something like that around the $500 mark.

JP I do like the idea of not effecting my T levels or risking any suppression of them as I'm still 27yo. and NO needed PCT sounds like a bonus to be honest. Cuz i don'r really want to be messing around with my T levels at all, hence why im choosing the sarms rout and not wanting to mess around with AAS.
Hey Dylan thanks for the kudos and thanks for getting back to me Dyl and JP. That really sounds like a HUGE awesome super stack and no doubt it would burn n blast my fat out, my only problem at the moment is money... I cant really afford the enhanced super stack at the moment. It ends up being over 1,000 AUD and I don't have that kind of cash lying around at the moment, I have maybe just over half of that to spare at the moment, and could probably afford a 12 week endurance stack or something like that around the $500 mark.

JP I do like the idea of not effecting my T levels or risking any suppression of them as I'm still 27yo. and NO needed PCT sounds like a bonus to be honest. Cuz i don'r really want to be messing around with my T levels at all, hence why im choosing the sarms rout and not wanting to mess around with AAS.

absolutely bro, so we can go with a more condensed cycle here... the triple stack is more in your range and its the most tried and true stack you can go with... here are the links for everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Congrats on the weight Loss so far. But for 800 cals a day that seems rather low. I would be cautious and make sure you aren't undereating. Especially protein. This could be one reason why you're not losing anymore. Alo make sure your protein is from whole food sources. Not supplements. You want the thermogenic properties of digesting protein
And since you brought up test levels. Have you ever checked yours? If your test is low and estrogen high could also explain weight gain.
Those calories are extremely low, and I would venture to say you probably need to increase them a bit or else you will still out on fat loss by crashing your metabolism. You probably should be closer to1800-2000 calories at least for now...which is still pretty low for your weight

I like the idea myself of you running the endurance stack for a couple reasons. The sr9009 and GW is going to help keep your metabolism up in this big defecit and let you burn fat at an excelleated rate. Also you won't have to worry about any type of pct. it also works well for your budget

Make sure you get what you need from and you'll be set

1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)
SpikedEggnog and RickRock, i think you guys are right, iv been eating far to little whilst in this low carb ketosis and my metabolism has slowed right down, iv been eating like this for a few weeks now and my metabolism has slowed right down with and my bodies gotten use to the low cal. I had forgotten about a weekly cheat meal to remind my body metabolism to keep going fast to burn alot of cals so it just slowed down n gone into some starvation survival mode I guess my stomach must think im in the dessert of spinach eggs broccoli and chicken right now lol. I think i will try throwing in a few snacks and getting in around 1500-1800 cals a day, cuz lately iv just been having breakfast lunch and dinner. I'll start throwing in a snacks between my main meals to try and keep my metabolism burning, keep that tummy rolling.

SpikedEggnog, i recently had some tests done but it was a general health bloods screen test, my doc said my T level were fine but he didn't mention my estrogen at all. And it was a general test not from an endocrinologist or anything specific like that.

RickRock, YES! I like your idea very much, had a similar idea in mind, I think ill order a 12wk endurance stack of GW and SR in the next few days, focus on melting this fat and burning as much calories as i can for these next few months and get lean, sauna and bio-oil for any stretch marks or saggy skin later down the track. Once Im around 100-95kg or under, Ill go see my dietitian again for advice on adjusting my diet, to maintain n start focus on building some muscle to fill out the excess skin and maybe get some more sarms to help me muscle talking much much later 4-6months down the track.

I'd like to focus on one goal at a time, loose fat, build muscle later once my frame is clear of most of its fatty tissue and I can finally see what I working with, something iv wanted to see for along time honestly. Instead of trying to do 2 things at once or turn muscle into fat ect.
With the SR-9009, to make dosing easier, before bed could I get a glass water bottle eg. VOSS bottle. Fill it up to the top with water and put in 30mg of SR-9009. and mark the bottle with 5 lines making visible 6 equal parts of water I need to drink at intervals throughout the day ?

so then i'd drink

1 part 8am,
2nd part 10am,
3rd part 12noon,
4th part 2pm,
5th part 4pm,
6th part 6pm.
I'm curious the answer to this as well, although I plan to dispense each individually, but am curious the answer. Although I'd mix with grapefruit juice.
Might just have to go by trial and error...dispense individually one day and try the water method mentioned before the next day and see if I feel any difference...very subjective method tho.

Order placed, now to wait for the sarm's to arrive..long wait to Aus tho 8-20days really hope its 8 :p
Can't wait to see if these sarm's area all they're cracked up to be.
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With the SR-9009, to make dosing easier, before bed could I get a glass water bottle eg. VOSS bottle. Fill it up to the top with water and put in 30mg of SR-9009. and mark the bottle with 5 lines making visible 6 equal parts of water I need to drink at intervals throughout the day ?

so then i'd drink

1 part 8am,
2nd part 10am,
3rd part 12noon,
4th part 2pm,
5th part 4pm,
6th part 6pm.

Anyone got any word on this yet ?
hey bro... first off i want to congratulate you on taking control of things and putting forthe the effort you are in getting things turned around and getting yourself in a healthy state...

moving forward... your on the right track here... the best fat burning stack i have for you is the enhanced super stack... its is perfect for you at this point... here are the links for everything you need followed by the layout... and

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

SARMS can help a lot if you stay disciplined. I would try the stack Dylan suggested. I'm glad you're dedicating yourself to this. The SARMS may even help with your knees I would expect. Good luck with everything. Don't give up!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Those calories are extremely low, and I would venture to say you probably need to increase them a bit or else you will still out on fat loss by crashing your metabolism. You probably should be closer to1800-2000 calories at least for now...which is still pretty low for your weight

I like the idea myself of you running the endurance stack for a couple reasons. The sr9009 and GW is going to help keep your metabolism up in this big defecit and let you burn fat at an excelleated rate. Also you won't have to worry about any type of pct. it also works well for your budget

Make sure you get what you need from and you'll be set

1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)

Please head this advice bro do not starve yourself those cals are far too low your thyroid and metabolism will be fucked when you get too your goal and you will gain it all back . I would cycle those calories maybe one day at maintance and two really low other about 500 cal def
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