Done a few test cycles in the last and now looking to do a same cycle. Currently 6’0 175lb at about 8-10%bf. Ideally want to put on some size without gaining too much fat. Was thinking lgd 4033 and cardarine. Is that my best bet?
What dosages and how long should I Run
Looked at sarmsrx and everything is out of stock - is there another source to get it from that’s reputable
In terms of pct - saw a lot of ppl saying DCA and clomid - where is best place to get clomid
Thanks a lot guys!
What dosages and how long should I Run
Looked at sarmsrx and everything is out of stock - is there another source to get it from that’s reputable
In terms of pct - saw a lot of ppl saying DCA and clomid - where is best place to get clomid
Thanks a lot guys!