
Help pct/steroids FROM CROATIA


New member
GREETINGS DYLAN. I AM FROM CROATIA. I like your videos on YouTube. Before 4-5 years ago I did my CYCLE with testosterone enanthate 250 a week for 16 weeks and after that I did PCT

with Clomid 1. and 2. day 150mg, 3. and 4. 100mg 5,6..30 50mg. With the result I was pleased, but PCT was bad. I THINK I W NEVER actually recovered. My ERECTION returned, but it is worse than before, and sperm volume decreased by 75-80%. If you have a solution how to fix sperm volume, we'll try. I tried the Proviron, with no result. Now I have 38 years and I'd like to make a new CYCLE on your recommendation. EACH YEAR BEFORE THE SUMMER do the definition and lost 7-8KG. so i look skinny.

That is the reason i use testosterone and it worked

I need a cycle with which I retain more muscle mass during diet.

Please subscribe mi some good cycle with pct and everything i need.

Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
So you did a cycle 4-5 years ago and you say PCT was bad and really no erections? Why the fuck haven't you went to the doctor?

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Damn bro.. I can't understand allot of what you're talking about. 4-5 years later and you're just addressing the issue.. on top of that you want to start a new cycle!?! Damn, you didn't learn the first time apparently.
bro you have to be about the most reckless and careless person i have encountered... you KNOWINGLY had these problems and never went to a doctor and then want to go back for more? now i want you to just sit there, read this and think about what you would tell someone... seriously, you think about how what you said looks and tell me what you would tell someone... i know what i would tell someone... "they were fucking nuts" seriously.... bro, you will never get advise on steroids from me being that reckless... you will get the advice you need though and that is to get your shit together asap, get bloodwork and see what damage you have done...
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