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I seen a few videos last night where people were taking 30 and 40mg of GW and talking about the difference, so it got me thinking about body weight and dosing amount

20mg bro.. Body weight means nothing with respect to dosing protocol
Sup guys on day 13, I have not had any sides with my vision from the S4, taking the recommend 50mg a day split dose

Anyone know if there is an average time that the sides hit?

I know that not everyone gets them, also i am keeping in mind that everyone is different when it will hit or if it does...

I was kind of looking forward to the vision with the s4 (maybe that is weird thing to look forward to lol)
Yeah.. You get it around 2-3 weeks if you're real sensitive but I usually start to really get vision changes around 80mg. Get your dose up to 100mg and S4 gets really fun. You have to gradually increase your dose slowly though.
would you guys recommend i start to gradually start to increase? or should i wait a bit longer?
would you guys recommend i start to gradually start to increase? or should i wait a bit longer?

Give it a couple more days, and then after that you can raise it ever so slightly to 60mg. Then run that dose for at least a week and assess before going to 70mg, etc...

The key is to increase in small increments and give it a good week or so minimum at that dose before raising it again
So i am in week 4 of my cycle, been 3 days now on 75mg of S4, still no sides at all. Am i one of the lucky ones? Normally if something has a side effect and i take it, i get it. Always been super sensitive to any kind of pain meds. I am actually really suprised i have not had any vision issues at all.
So i am in week 4 of my cycle, been 3 days now on 75mg of S4, still no sides at all. Am i one of the lucky ones? Normally if something has a side effect and i take it, i get it. Always been super sensitive to any kind of pain meds. I am actually really suprised i have not had any vision issues at all.

you must be lucky mf'r lol the last 2 cycles of s4 I have run I keep it at 50 a day I just don't want to run into any probs the first time I went all in at 100 and it didn't bother me but a few times I never had to drive at night, but I will say after I came off of that I appreciated my vision transition so I get great results at 50 why fuck up a good thing. but hell by all means you gotta try 100 you may not be effected by it
Anyone see a reason why i shouldn't jump it to 100mg a day on the S4? to try it for a few days?
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