Hi Dylan sorry for bad english im from croatia im 18 and half yearls old and 173 cm(5.8 inches) is ther any supstance that i can take to grow as much in height as i can i started taking steroids when i where 16 yearls old 1.CIRCLE first circle was test cyp 250mg 2 X week 10 weeks and i didnt use a-dex nolva ... i didnt run pct eather when i started i was at 71 kg 156 pounds at the end of week 10 i had 87kg 192 pounds i lost 8 kg of my gains becouse i didnt run pct 2.CIRCLE but 3 monts after that i run winstrol for 2 weeks again witouth any other thing and then i had a breake 3 monts 3. CIRCLE and then i was on test prop ephedrine and some cheap hgh i was on that for about 3 weeks and then i got a fight with a friend who i left that steroids at and i just stoped taking them after 3 weeks. 4.CIRCLE ABOUT 20 DAYS test prop100 MG EOD FOR 20 DAYS8i had just 1000mg of test prop, ephedrin and t3 ALSO ABOUT 20 DAYS no pct after 5.CIRCLE test cip boldenone TEST 100 mg/eod EQ 300mg/2 times per week.For pct i used HCG 500 ui for 10 days and during circle i used a-dex THEATS ALL. i know that it was stupid but from now i will use all steroids like i should. yesterday was last hcg injection from 5 circle. Can you tell my now after you know all that i was on is there any thing that i could take to grow in height my brother is 16 and he is 6 ft tall THANK YOU WERRY MUCH PS. IM NOT RETARDED I JUST DONT KNOW ENGLISH