So I came in contact with steroids about six months ago and got testicular atrophy and I heard that it can be reversed with hcg injections so I wonder if you could help me with how I should do. I thinking that would jumpstart by injecting me with 500 IU two times a week and that's the first week then go down 200 IU so I injecting me with 200 IU four time a week for like 4 weeks and then jump it up with 300 IU tree time a week and that's the last week and 4 weeks after that star use clomid 50 mg and nolvadex 40 mg and see what the results is or what do you think I'm very new to this type of stuff and I don't use steroids it just happened that I came in contact with it was a mistake so I need your help what should I do maaan tell me