
Have to lift heavy????

I'll steal the words of Rich Piana. "YOU MAKE the weight heavy." It's about knowing how to contract the muscle and stress it out. Your muscle has no clue if you're using a 30lb dumbell or a 50lb dumbell. It only knows how much stress it's under.

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Remember, this is not about how YOU build muscle, it's asking the question "is it required?" A lot of people say you have to lift heavy ass weights to grow but it really is not the cut and dry.

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I'm pretty much in agreement with you. But I think it needs to be rotated or both are needed for overall progress.

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You are absolutely right, which is why I ajways stay within a specific rep range. I try to do at least 8 and no more than 12 reps.

For example I will go as heavy as I can on an exercise with perfect form to get a minimum of 8 reps. The next time the workout is performed maybe I get 9, and so on. When I can do 12 I bump the weight 5-10 lbs or so and repeat the process.

Once I stall out on something I rotate that exercise out for something else.

It's my keys to progressive overload that have been extremely successful for me for gains

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What is "heavy"??? Heavy for you may be light for me or vice versa. I think in order to build that true dense muscle, you have to lift heavy and mature. Of course contracting the fibers and activating proper muscles is important. But do you wonder why most dudes don't grow much in 5 or 6 years? Because they workout moderate to light weight and only go for that pump thinking that's going to microtear enough fibers to fully destroy and repair the muscle to grow significantly Chasing the pump is okay sometimes, but you HAVE TO MOVE SOME REAL FUCKING WEIGHT.
I think there is a LOT of truth to what you are saying here brother. I see it in the vast majority of guys in the gym. They come in and lift the same fucking weight every week for the same amount of reps, get a pump and then leave.

This is why they look the exact same year after year. If you want you muscle to grow, you have to put it under a type of stress it hasn't experienced before. This can be done a LOT of different ways. Increasing weight, increasing reps, improving form, reducing rep speed, more time under tension, etc...

But moral of the story is you must always overcome adaptation by putting the muscle under a new stress, however you do it

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In my experience its all about constant tension, with lower weights. With heavy weights i always have bad luck and end up getting injured.
And I fully agree with your take on concentric and eccentric contractions. Its a great way to make a big change without making a big change. If that makes any sense. LOL

i completely understand and your exactly right but i'll break that down in case others don't get it... what this statement means is that the movement itself is actually the same, so your not changing that, its the WAY and METHOD in which your doing the movement... so instead of doing a normal bicep curl, up and down, when you switch the an eccentric contraction, as you are taking the curl down, or lengthening, your doing it VERY controlled and slow, 5-10 seconds at least and you are actually lengthening the muscle as opposed to up and down quickly which is shortening the muscle... this is an optimal method of growth...
I'll steal the words of Rich Piana. "YOU MAKE the weight heavy." It's about knowing how to contract the muscle and stress it out. Your muscle has no clue if you're using a 30lb dumbell or a 50lb dumbell. It only knows how much stress it's under.

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I will agree with this.
Every one has a truth in their words. Yes, you do need mix up both, and yes bigger weights make progress for bigger muscles as it's recruiting more from it self, it's basic anatomy. Pumps has it's own place in muscle hypertrophy and ligher weights are needed, well we know the stuff.. What I would like to mention is one other power - MIND.

Word heavy is not set for your self necessarily, you make weights heavy, as was mentioned above. Muscle mesures stress level it's under. One day you can be mentally tired and weights may seem hevier.
BUT BODY CAN BE TRICKED WITH THE MIND. Some part of it is a MIND game. Sometimes it's about how strong your focus is, because it gets tired or worn out time after time, of old sparks you re-call for those seconds of blast so to speak. It's like with love, putting work into it finding a fresh things that keeps spark in your relationships. Same in the gym, keep your thoughts and focus, especially for those seconds your in the set, around something that energises you - which can basically seperate word heavy and the actual scale written on the weight. But muscle will feel the difference stress wise.
I try to keep focus strong and leave trouble thoughts, sucking your energy, outside the gym door.
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I think there is a LOT of truth to what you are saying here brother. I see it in the vast majority of guys in the gym. They come in and lift the same fucking weight every week for the same amount of reps, get a pump and then leave.

This is why they look the exact same year after year. If you want you muscle to grow, you have to put it under a type of stress it hasn't experienced before. This can be done a LOT of different ways. Increasing weight, increasing reps, improving form, reducing rep speed, more time under tension, etc...

But moral of the story is you must always overcome adaptation by putting the muscle under a new stress, however you do it

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Yes. You can't just get a pump and grow. I do "chase the pump" but you can't just rely on any pump. If the weight stays the same then so will you. But....
Well this thread question can be rephrased another way which would be "what is the proper rep range?"
So my answer would be that it does not have to be low rep heavy weight, and can be done with 15-30 reps as long as you continue to progress in strength.

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I guess it depends on what look you're going for. Lifting heavy gives me that full thick slab look of muscle, while high volume gives me that dense solid ripped look to the muscle.

As long as you get that mind to muscle connection, and the muscle is under stress and you'll eating and resting properly you'll grow.

It's all about having that mental connection, if you're not feeling it you're just doing the movement. Contract & squeeze. ACTIVATE the muscle, this will give you different types of muscle fibers which will signal more growth.

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere
U can grow regardless of heavy weight or light weight pump. It's all about what you're eating, just be sure to have that missing link between your mind and your muscles.

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere
I guess it depends on what look you're going for. Lifting heavy gives me that full thick slab look of muscle, while high volume gives me that dense solid ripped look to the muscle.

As long as you get that mind to muscle connection, and the muscle is under stress and you'll eating and resting properly you'll grow.

It's all about having that mental connection, if you're not feeling it you're just doing the movement. Contract & squeeze. ACTIVATE the muscle, this will give you different types of muscle fibers which will signal more growth.

Sent from the swolest element under this atmosphere

I probably seems that way because high reps gets into a more aerobic mode and may burn more fat but in reality muscle building is muscle building. You're probably like me and do high intensity high rep pumping til you're dead which will definitely burn more fat if you ask me.

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