


New member
Have been following you on youtube since a while and really like your stuff. I was on a dbol test enanthate cycle. On the advice of my trainer added some m1t prohormone in the cycle. My nipples have got a puffy look. I dont know which of the three compounds did it. There is no itching .. No tenderness. Gained about 15lbs during the cycle. The test dosages were 500mg a week. And used the dbol for 4 weeks. Now i am off my cycle. The cycle was around 10 weeks. Have been using letrozole for 10 days but there is no noticeable downside in puffiness. The dosage of letro being 2.5mg. Is this fat deposition around my nipples or what? They are bit pointy and puffy but there is no lump or pain whatsoever. Please provide some advice
dbol caused this... m1t is a dht derivative and cannot convert to estrogen... your trainer is a fucking idiot... DO NOT take steroid advice from a trainer... you should not have added m1t while already using dbol... did you use an ai on your cycle???
One, agreed with Dylan... your trainer is a fucking idiot.
Two, it's the dbol and you should really know a compounds capabilities and limitations before fucking with it.
Three, 2.5mg Letro for ten days???? Wow talk about tanked estrogen.... here's a proper letro only gyno protocol, BUT at the dosages you used you should have crushed it UNLESS you went the 10 weeks with no AI on cycle whatsoever. Protocol below....


That's with three scenarios. 1- being currently using an AI, 2- currently using small dosage letro, 3- no AI whatsoever.
You might have progressed too far and need to feel for fatty deposits, lumps, rice like feel under and around nips.

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Okay thanks for the info you provided. Its my fault that i believed on a stupid ass like my trainer. I never run an AI on my cycle. And thats being my biggest fault. Just want to deal with this puffiness now. Hope its go down with letro.
Remain at 2.5mg.. but if you don't have any symptoms I don't understand why you are running letro???

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Sir, what i am talking about is the solution..i agree d bol caused it. And what should i do to make the nipples tight!
Sir, what i am talking about is the solution..i agree d bol caused it. And what should i do to make the nipples tight!
once again, your not listening... you were given THREE different protocols to follow by 44... why did he waste his time posting it THAT LARGE for everyone to read???
hey sir, have been on letro over a month now..and i dont see any progress with the puffyness.. The nipples are still lump..neither pain..what should i do now?
for your anti gyno protocol, its 12 weeks total... 8 weeks of letro and aromasin followed by 4 weeks of aromasin... start week 1 of letro at 1.25 mg per day, then weeks 2 and 3 bump it to 1.75 mg per day, weeks 4,5,6 run it 2.5 mg per day, week 7 down to 1.75 and week 8, back to 1.25... run nolvadex 20 mg per day the entire 8 weeks, then follow that with 4 weeks or aromasin at 12.5 mg every other day... you can get everything at
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