your prolactin is definitely the issue but you still need bloodwork.. you need to dose caber .5 mg every 3 days asap... please, STOP USING steroids when you dont know how to use them in the future... this is a very very shitty issue to have, and you are going to have to just deal with it until it clears up...
When a high blood prolactin concentration interferes with the function of the testicles, the production of testosterone (the main male sex hormone), and sperm production. Low testosterone causes decreased energy, sex drive, muscle mass and strength, and blood count (anemia). If levels remain low for several years, bone strength may decrease (osteoporosis). High levels of prolactin in the blood also cause difficulty in getting an erection, as well as breast tenderness and enlargement.
Symptoms caused by compression of surrounding tissue — Large adenomas can cause symptoms by pressing on nearby structures in the head. Pressure on nerves to the eyes can impair vision, especially peripheral (side) vision. Pressure on the pituitary gland can decrease production of the hormones that stimulate the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, leading to underactivity of the those glands. Pressure can also cause headaches.