I’ve ran 4 cycles before and have never had e2 probs. My last cycle I did not run an AI for the first two weeks and got itchy nipples but no soreness (I think it’s the weather because this happens a lot). Ran 500mg test then bumped it down to 350mg on week 3 then started up armidex at 1.0 and my e2 was 31 by week 5. I dropped my ai to .5 and my e2 was 13 post cycle. I crashed my estrogen to 3 while running half the dose of aromosin for Dylan’s pct.
I am a frequent worrier of gyno. I checked my nipples about 10 times a day. I noticed a bump in one nipple AFTER the fact that I knew I was in normal range. However, it’s not hard or sensitive. When I reach to grab it’s not floating around. I’m about 7 months after PCT now and it’s still there. I would’ve never known it was there if I hadn’t looked so much. Is it possible this is gyno? I’m thinking this might be scar tissue of a gland now. Again, it has never bothered me and I wouldn’t have known it was there if I hadn’t checked my nips 10x a day through the whole cycle.
I am a frequent worrier of gyno. I checked my nipples about 10 times a day. I noticed a bump in one nipple AFTER the fact that I knew I was in normal range. However, it’s not hard or sensitive. When I reach to grab it’s not floating around. I’m about 7 months after PCT now and it’s still there. I would’ve never known it was there if I hadn’t looked so much. Is it possible this is gyno? I’m thinking this might be scar tissue of a gland now. Again, it has never bothered me and I wouldn’t have known it was there if I hadn’t checked my nips 10x a day through the whole cycle.