I rarely bitch on here, but I'm so fucking pissed .... as I'm using a dual arm cable machine, using both side doing tricep super sets. I turn to grab the ropes on the other arm and some young disrespectful fuck'n PUNK is using it. HEY RETARD ask before you jump on someone's machine...So I'm like three times this punks size and I eye fuck him and say "REALLY". I was about to beat him silly just because. But my better judgement kicked in and I walked away.
5 min later he walks back to the locker room, and from all the way across the gym and laughed at me....
5 min later I walked by him siting on a bench and purposely nailed him in the head with my gum bag and said "EXCUSE YOU" hoping he would say something so I could teach him some respect that his parent obviously did not do.... pussy didnt say shit...
Fuck'n people ... leave my machine ALONE.. find your own asshole...
5 min later he walks back to the locker room, and from all the way across the gym and laughed at me....
5 min later I walked by him siting on a bench and purposely nailed him in the head with my gum bag and said "EXCUSE YOU" hoping he would say something so I could teach him some respect that his parent obviously did not do.... pussy didnt say shit...
Fuck'n people ... leave my machine ALONE.. find your own asshole...