

I'm going into week #8 on Monday......cardio endurance is off the hook, rest times in between sets cut by 50%
I know and my cholesterol is high so we see
Gw will help with lowering that, but why exactly is your cholesterol high? That concerns me since you are running a cycle right now with anavar and test prop

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
For bad diet but now I'm eating good

bro, you can't use steroids right now, especially not test or anavar... what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? please try to type so i can understand better what your saying... your not in any condition for steroid use... you were wise in picking sarms to help but you must get in the proper condition first... "eating good" for a short time does not qualify anything... if you have bad cholesterol from "not eating good" then you were eating like complete shit and that's not going to work in this lifestyle
42 years old
155 pounds
And yes I was eating like shit on restaurants and fast food most of time
My bad cholesterol is 200 and God low
14% is this bad

its average... not horrible but not the best... it could be far worse though... technically you could start an aas cycle a lot safer when your 15% or below but i truly feel most should be 12% minimum otherwise your just not showing the proper consistency... what is your intended cycle and what are your goals? is it just test prop, anavar and gw?
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