


Do I need to be taking anything to protect my liver if I'm just taking sarms (GW)?

I'm taking N2guard and Liv52 ED for my 6week cycle on anavar and GW, but I've been recommended to take GW for a following 6-8 weeks after...

So do I need to be taking N2 and Liv52 for protection along side my GW still or not?

(Also I'm taking N2 and Liv52 because I already have it and I'm not buying a different one until I run out)
with gw, you are golden for any liver issues. Dont need a thing.

JP.. the self appointed Jesus Apostle of GW.
with gw, you are golden for any liver issues. Dont need a thing.

JP.. the self appointed Jesus Apostle of GW.

Alright thank you, should I be still taking the protection for my liver two weeks after my 6 week cycle though just until the steroid is out my system? But maybe not 7N2 a day just like 4/5 ED.
For PCT, you should be taking clomid, Nolva, GW.

But you should be aware, an oral only steriod cycle seems to be extremely frowned upon here...

Your PCT is always at least equal to your steriod cycle.

As for liver treatment, someone else will have to answer,
Alright thank you, should I be still taking the protection for my liver two weeks after my 6 week cycle though just until the steroid is out my system? But maybe not 7N2 a day just like 4/5 ED.

its always a good idea to continue taking cycle support a few weeks to a month after you have discontinued oral steroid use... i cannot for the life of me understand why you would ever run an oral only cycle and i hope you never do that again... what a mistake and waste... are you running the proper pct?
Alright and what other cycle would I have taken other then oral? I wont inject or anything like that. Also You's told me on previous posts and by message that I didn't need a PCT?????
For PCT, you should be taking clomid, Nolva, GW.

But you should be aware, an oral only steriod cycle seems to be extremely frowned upon here...

Your PCT is always at least equal to your steriod cycle.

As for liver treatment, someone else will have to answer,

I'm so confused now I got told on like 3 of my previous post I didn't need a PCT and that I didn't need Nolva at all: I had it and gave it away.

I'm getting told different things all of the time off the same people :s
its always a good idea to continue taking cycle support a few weeks to a month after you have discontinued oral steroid use... i cannot for the life of me understand why you would ever run an oral only cycle and i hope you never do that again... what a mistake and waste... are you running the proper pct?

I thought you and other told me I didn't need a PCT??
Alright and what other cycle would I have taken other then oral? I wont inject or anything like that. Also You's told me on previous posts and by message that I didn't need a PCT?????
You do not need a pct. I think some don't realize that you are female

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Oh right I thought Dylan knew I was a girl, alright good one less thing to worry about

sorry, i got the threads mixed up... that is my mistake... your right, you do not need any pct and im sorry for the confusion... yes, i do know your a female... i was on one of my rolls and just overlooked the name... sorry! =)
sorry, i got the threads mixed up... that is my mistake... your right, you do not need any pct and im sorry for the confusion... yes, i do know your a female... i was on one of my rolls and just overlooked the name... sorry! =)

It's okay :) So do you think I should continue to take N2 and Liv52 2 weeks after my 6 week cycle on var? then just continue the GW for 6 weeks after my var cycle?
It's okay :) So do you think I should continue to take N2 and Liv52 2 weeks after my 6 week cycle on var? then just continue the GW for 6 weeks after my var cycle?
It wouldn't be a bad idea to continue using them a few weeks after dropping anavar to help get your liver values back to normal range quicker

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
It's okay :) So do you think I should continue to take N2 and Liv52 2 weeks after my 6 week cycle on var? then just continue the GW for 6 weeks after my var cycle?

its never a bad time or idea to take supports... save your money on the n2 next time... you can get the same product for far cheaper... if you have it left, then i would continue to ensure more detoxification to occur... yes, continue gw six weeks after..
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