
GW - Time it Takes to Realize Full Benefits?


New member
Hey Dylan/Adrenaline Team,

So I started the super stack cycle nearly three weeks ago. I've seen some impressive strength gains (been pretty much PR on every lift, every time)--and my size/body composition is improving as well. I was weak, so it's easier to PR... but still, going from 150 or so to 225 front squat for reps (in 3 weeks!) is pretty awesome. Same with deadlifts, 15 reps at 245...that was roughly my 1 rep max about a month ago!

I'm also recovering faster, and my training volume has increased about 40-50% (from 4 to 6 days per week) since starting the cycle, with no downsides at all. So overall, I can't complain too much.

My question is more about GW, and how it takes to fully realize its specific endurance/cardio benefits. There have been some workouts where I noticed clearly better endurance/stamina, but overall it's not quite the amazing lift/increase I was expecting. Some of the seeming improvement I've seen on endurance could be from the increased strength. And there still hasn't been that workout where I think, "holy s@#!" I could go all day" and feel near limitless endurance like some have described GW.

Of course, I know it's early and everyone is a little different. My diet is good, sleep/stress could definitely be better (working on those things - I know they are HUGE for hormone performance!)... but it's no worse than before GW. So overall I'm just curious if some guys take a little longer for GW to really kick in. I know some of the anabolics can take weeks or months to really saturate and get optimized, but then it seems like others here have seen quantum leaps in endurance in DAYS with GW, so that's why I'm asking.

I've been following the protocol, including taking 20mg about 30 minutes before MetCon style workouts. Any chance I would need more than 20mg -- or should I split it up into two doses of 10mg for better results? Or is there any harm in trying a bit more to see? There were a couple days when I accidentally took 20mg in the am, and 20mg before working out, and maybe those were the standout days...not sure. I will log this better for sure going forward.

Another factor: I have a badly deviated septum (not from MMA or broken nose, just happened growing up somehow) so breathing through my nose is badly (about 75%) restricted. Mouth breathing is bad for HIT cardio, so I know that limits my endurance a lot. Still, even with this issue my Vo2 max was tested at 51 a couple months ago (before GW), which is a pretty good number for age 36 non-pro athlete... especially someone who's only been training consistently for a year.

I have septoplasty surgery scheduled for September that will dramatically increase my breathing capacity, and maybe that will help what GW does for me.

Sorry for the long winded post guys, I just know there is more potential for me and I want to squeeze every last drop of performance out of my body while I still can. I have full confidence in Dylan and these products.

Thanks in advance!

I think it varies dude. I know folks who do not get anything from sarms. My wife got a big boost in endurance at 2-3 weeks. It hits kind of strange. You may be doing your cardio then all of sudden you can go twice as long. Then it may come and go.
I'm considering incorporating GW into my current cycle so interested in hearing all the feedback...
JuanAntonio79 said:
Hey Dylan/Adrenaline Team,

So I started the super stack cycle nearly three weeks ago. I've seen some impressive strength gains (been pretty much PR on every lift, every time)--and my size/body composition is improving as well. I was weak, so it's easier to PR... but still, going from 150 or so to 225 front squat for reps (in 3 weeks!) is pretty awesome. Same with deadlifts, 15 reps at 245...that was roughly my 1 rep max about a month ago!

I'm also recovering faster, and my training volume has increased about 40-50% (from 4 to 6 days per week) since starting the cycle, with no downsides at all. So overall, I can't complain too much.

My question is more about GW, and how it takes to fully realize its specific endurance/cardio benefits. There have been some workouts where I noticed clearly better endurance/stamina, but overall it's not quite the amazing lift/increase I was expecting. Some of the seeming improvement I've seen on endurance could be from the increased strength. And there still hasn't been that workout where I think, "holy s@#!" I could go all day" and feel near limitless endurance like some have described GW.

Of course, I know it's early and everyone is a little different. My diet is good, sleep/stress could definitely be better (working on those things - I know they are HUGE for hormone performance!)... but it's no worse than before GW. So overall I'm just curious if some guys take a little longer for GW to really kick in. I know some of the anabolics can take weeks or months to really saturate and get optimized, but then it seems like others here have seen quantum leaps in endurance in DAYS with GW, so that's why I'm asking.

I've been following the protocol, including taking 20mg about 30 minutes before MetCon style workouts. Any chance I would need more than 20mg -- or should I split it up into two doses of 10mg for better results? Or is there any harm in trying a bit more to see? There were a couple days when I accidentally took 20mg in the am, and 20mg before working out, and maybe those were the standout days...not sure. I will log this better for sure going forward.

Another factor: I have a badly deviated septum (not from MMA or broken nose, just happened growing up somehow) so breathing through my nose is badly (about 75%) restricted. Mouth breathing is bad for HIT cardio, so I know that limits my endurance a lot. Still, even with this issue my Vo2 max was tested at 51 a couple months ago (before GW), which is a pretty good number for age 36 non-pro athlete... especially someone who's only been training consistently for a year.

I have septoplasty surgery scheduled for September that will dramatically increase my breathing capacity, and maybe that will help what GW does for me.

Sorry for the long winded post guys, I just know there is more potential for me and I want to squeeze every last drop of performance out of my body while I still can. I have full confidence in Dylan and these products.

Thanks in advance!


I'm wondering if your expectations from GW are a little skewed or off base a little. How are you judging the effectiveness of GW? Are you doing cardio? That is where you will notice the most benefit from the endurance factor. It is also noticeable recovering between sets, etc but not nearly as prominent. At 3 weeks you should definitely be getting the full benefits by now. I just think what you expect from it might be a little off base.

You certainly also do not want to increase dose. There's absolutely no reason to ever go over 20mg per day.
JuanAntonio79 said:
Hey Dylan/Adrenaline Team,

So I started the super stack cycle nearly three weeks ago. I've seen some impressive strength gains (been pretty much PR on every lift, every time)--and my size/body composition is improving as well. I was weak, so it's easier to PR... but still, going from 150 or so to 225 front squat for reps (in 3 weeks!) is pretty awesome. Same with deadlifts, 15 reps at 245...that was roughly my 1 rep max about a month ago!

I'm also recovering faster, and my training volume has increased about 40-50% (from 4 to 6 days per week) since starting the cycle, with no downsides at all. So overall, I can't complain too much.

My question is more about GW, and how it takes to fully realize its specific endurance/cardio benefits. There have been some workouts where I noticed clearly better endurance/stamina, but overall it's not quite the amazing lift/increase I was expecting. Some of the seeming improvement I've seen on endurance could be from the increased strength. And there still hasn't been that workout where I think, "holy s@#!" I could go all day" and feel near limitless endurance like some have described GW.

Of course, I know it's early and everyone is a little different. My diet is good, sleep/stress could definitely be better (working on those things - I know they are HUGE for hormone performance!)... but it's no worse than before GW. So overall I'm just curious if some guys take a little longer for GW to really kick in. I know some of the anabolics can take weeks or months to really saturate and get optimized, but then it seems like others here have seen quantum leaps in endurance in DAYS with GW, so that's why I'm asking.

I've been following the protocol, including taking 20mg about 30 minutes before MetCon style workouts. Any chance I would need more than 20mg -- or should I split it up into two doses of 10mg for better results? Or is there any harm in trying a bit more to see? There were a couple days when I accidentally took 20mg in the am, and 20mg before working out, and maybe those were the standout days...not sure. I will log this better for sure going forward.

Another factor: I have a badly deviated septum (not from MMA or broken nose, just happened growing up somehow) so breathing through my nose is badly (about 75%) restricted. Mouth breathing is bad for HIT cardio, so I know that limits my endurance a lot. Still, even with this issue my Vo2 max was tested at 51 a couple months ago (before GW), which is a pretty good number for age 36 non-pro athlete... especially someone who's only been training consistently for a year.

I have septoplasty surgery scheduled for September that will dramatically increase my breathing capacity, and maybe that will help what GW does for me.

Sorry for the long winded post guys, I just know there is more potential for me and I want to squeeze every last drop of performance out of my body while I still can. I have full confidence in Dylan and these products.

Thanks in advance!


hey brother... well i read your post thoroughly and was at a bit of a loss until I got the part about the deviated septum and you have a 75% blockage in breathing through your nose... even with a strong vo2max as you have already shown to possess, you will NEVER come anywhere near full potential with that type of hindrance and in no way is gw nor anything else going to open up that passageway and that completely inhibits all the benefits from showing... that is sever bro and not having that passageway will never allow you to perform as you should regardless of the enhancement you are including... now for someone that already has an extremely high vo2, gw may not be as pronounced as for those that do not but even those extreme conditioned athletes notice huge differences when utilizing gw... even in my running prime at 10 miles a day, i noticed drastic changes once gw was introduced into my protocols... the answer lies right in your description and the culprit is your septum, not anything else...
Thanks for the feedback guys.

@RickRock: yes to answer your question--I do CrossFit at least 3x per week, so there's an MetCon/endurance push each time. So I'm definitely doing cardio and I do seem to notice a boost the recovery part (as you noted), especially because a lot of CrossFit time saved/lost lies in the transitions between sets.

I think you may also be right about expectations. I just read some posts from guys (already conditioned CrossFitters) who seemed to be totally blown away by the noticeable increase in endurance. So I probably expected something over the top when the truth is that for most guys, it's a little more subtle.

@Dylan: thanks for the response brother, that's why I brought the septum issue up. I know it's affecting me massively, especially in something like CrossFit where you need to breath through your nose to regulate stress/adrenals, keep calm and focus on rep quality/transitions/pacing. Also nose breathing regulates oxygen/co2 balance, reduces acid/toxicity that affects endurance, etc. So it may be that I've just hit an endurance ceiling until I get this issue fixed.

Once I do, I can get air down further into my abdomen and everything should get better, including my results from GW. My surgery is only a few weeks away, I'll continue the cycle because I still feel it helps some, and I'll expect the bigger benefits to come after when I can actually breath fully :)
Oh btw, I've bumped S4 to 75mg, no vision issues. I noticed a little issue with night vision on 50mg in the first few days--partly because I have 20/10 vision and it seemed to be a tiny bit fuzzy.

But it passed quickly and since then, vision has been the same as normal, not even a yellow tint or anything really. I could probably go higher but I'll go slowly and observe my vision closely.

Overall, super pleased with the Super Stack. Recovery is awesome, and I'm literally getting stronger every day. I can only imagine how good I'll feel and where my performance will be after two full cycles and getting the septum blockage fixed... unreal!

Thanks Dylan and all for partnering with PE to produce amazing products.
JuanAntonio79 said:
Oh btw, I've bumped S4 to 75mg, no vision issues. I noticed a little issue with night vision on 50mg in the first few days--partly because I have 20/10 vision and it seemed to be a tiny bit fuzzy.

But it passed quickly and since then, vision has been the same as normal, not even a yellow tint or anything really. I could probably go higher but I'll go slowly and observe my vision closely.

Overall, super pleased with the Super Stack. Recovery is awesome, and I'm literally getting stronger every day. I can only imagine how good I'll feel and where my performance will be after two full cycles and getting the septum blockage fixed... unreal!

Thanks Dylan and all for partnering with PE to produce amazing products.

I'm happy to hear things are going so well with your sarms stack buddy. I'm sure you will notice a much better effect from GW especially once you get recovered from that surgery. Keep us updated!
JuanAntonio79 said:
Oh btw, I've bumped S4 to 75mg, no vision issues. I noticed a little issue with night vision on 50mg in the first few days--partly because I have 20/10 vision and it seemed to be a tiny bit fuzzy.

But it passed quickly and since then, vision has been the same as normal, not even a yellow tint or anything really. I could probably go higher but I'll go slowly and observe my vision closely.

Overall, super pleased with the Super Stack. Recovery is awesome, and I'm literally getting stronger every day. I can only imagine how good I'll feel and where my performance will be after two full cycles and getting the septum blockage fixed... unreal!

Thanks Dylan and all for partnering with PE to produce amazing products.

you are already doing extremely well with what you have and considering your current condition, even performing any type of high intense cardiovascular training is far beyond impressive... very nice bro... that septum is definitely hindering you massively though and when that is corrected you will see even more amazing results but i have no doubt gw is still working well for you but when you get the full effect, you are in for even more serious results...

im thrilled to hear how happy you are with pure essence... the quality they are providing is how it is supposed to be! please continue to update us with results!
When is/was ur surgery? I am in for ur updates i have been on gw for 12 weeks and by no means am i crossfit but i have def noticed that i have the endurance i have never had, like u i. Was told my voice box only opens halfway when i exhale so to me that says i retain co2 in my lungs. But the air forced docs said NO wtf ever anyway i am up to 45 mins of cardio teice a day after 12 weeks and could prolly do more its just a time thing for me. Good luck with recovery and update us man
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