
GW question


New member
I am a 55 year old amateur cyclist. A friend of mine mentioned GW so I thought I'd give it a try. I can deff feel a difference. My question is as race season comes closer should I stop in worries that it can be picked up on the very in frequent testing that is done? I raced all last season and did not see any testing.
there are several cyclists on here that will chime in im sure, are they really testing at an amateur level?
I am a 55 year old amateur cyclist. A friend of mine mentioned GW so I thought I'd give it a try. I can deff feel a difference. My question is as race season comes closer should I stop in worries that it can be picked up on the very in frequent testing that is done? I raced all last season and did not see any testing.
The answer is yes. You should stop. Give yourself 2+ months to clear. Last year is irrelevant when talking about this season. USA Cycling has implemented an anti doping fee this year. At the local level, every district is now obligated to test at a certain amount of events. They are aiming at Masters and Cat 1. You definitely fall into the Masters slot. The new licensing fees are specifically earmarked for the costs associated with doping controls. I don't know the clearing time for GW but I know of 2 guys that got popped after 2 months of not taking GW. The UCI has worked with the pharmaceutical company that created GW to create the test. No one really knows how the test works so no one knows how to beat it. I would feel safe taking SR9009 though. No one has failed that yet. It is new and in my opinion works very well. I am running it now and am thoroughly impressed. The half life is really short so it is likely that they will have a hard time detecting it once they do create a test.

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I am a 55 year old amateur cyclist. A friend of mine mentioned GW so I thought I'd give it a try. I can deff feel a difference. My question is as race season comes closer should I stop in worries that it can be picked up on the very in frequent testing that is done? I raced all last season and did not see any testing.

The wick wads in cycling test for everything.Use it in the off season.Actually my grandaughter uses the triple stack. She goes hard on it during the off season and then 2 months off before competition. USADA will test for any and all sanctioed races no matter the level. At the more amateur races they usually pull first and second place and test them.
My brother is a chemist and will soon report to me the test methods, how long do the sarms show up etc. Will have more more info soon I hope.
The wick wads in cycling test for everything.Use it in the off season.Actually my grandaughter uses the triple stack. She goes hard on it during the off season and then 2 months off before competition. USADA will test for any and all sanctioed races no matter the level. At the more amateur races they usually pull first and second place and test them.
My brother is a chemist and will soon report to me the test methods, how long do the sarms show up etc. Will have more more info soon I hope.

well hello stranger DRb good to see you again. anxiously awaiting the testing results for sure as im sure everyone is to try to play this cat and mouse game just a little better
well hello stranger DRb good to see you again. anxiously awaiting the testing results for sure as im sure everyone is to try to play this cat and mouse game just a little better

As keto has said the testing is going to be a lot more than last year, so you can bet I will find out how to beat the test...or at least know when to stop sarms in the offseason.
As keto has said the testing is going to be a lot more than last year, so you can bet I will find out how to beat the test...or at least know when to stop sarms in the offseason.

That's lovely...

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As keto has said the testing is going to be a lot more than last year, so you can bet I will find out how to beat the test...or at least know when to stop sarms in the offseason.

Someone besides me has to have a response to this?

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Someone besides me has to have a response to this?

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If you are against aas then why are you interested in this board? Plus we are only talking about sarms here...which should NOT be illegal for bikes. SARMS are not cheating IMO, and are a far cry from aas.
Yes, they should be illegal in athletics for a host of reasons that you definitely know..I'm on an aas board to learn, to contribute, and be part of group of people who are interested in similar things...I'm not on the board to back into a dark corner when you're trying to justify your giving and promoting an end to the career of your granddaughter ...while also protecting this board and company from the repercussions that could take place because of your blatant're lucky I'm not her husband, because you wouldn't like me very much....

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They may have different opinions...but the bottom line is, he cheated, did it for years, retired, came back and had the audacity to do it again, and destroyed many careers/lives to keep it hidden...

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I personally feel if you take the risk and get caught, you deserve the pains of it. That is why I do not mind if people use the banned substances...the end result is on them for good or ill. EVERYONE cheats at something in their life. How many people pay their state the state taxes owed on purchased made via the Internet where state taxes were not added in? I would say the number safely rounds to about 0%. :)
I personally feel if you take the risk and get caught, you deserve the pains of it. That is why I do not mind if people use the banned substances...the end result is on them for good or ill. EVERYONE cheats at something in their life. How many people pay their state the state taxes owed on purchased made via the Internet where state taxes were not added in? I would say the number safely rounds to about 0%. :)

Well, wait a second, so you're saying no one is perfect...but Lance took it to an unimaginable level...I don't think anyone can argue that...and then going out of his way to ruin others to keep it hidden, it's despicable...

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Wolves don't concern themselves with opinions of sheep . And I truly think you put everyone of the top 10 in lances day on the same shit and they still lose cause he was the champion with or without
Wolves don't concern themselves with opinions of sheep . And I truly think you put everyone of the top 10 in lances day on the same shit and they still lose cause he was the champion with or without

No doubt! Second and third places remember losing to Lance not being swindled by him.
Wolves don't concern themselves with opinions of sheep . And I truly think you put everyone of the top 10 in lances day on the same shit and they still lose cause he was the champion with or without

Yea, you're so right, all the athletes that used ped's were the same on and off...A champion with or without; no, just a very sad lonely man...

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bottom line here is not 1 fucking substance or another can make you win the tour or super bowl or home runs. you still have to get your ass out there and ride and train and diet and train more and more. so I respect the fact that they are winners. now the ethics on how they win could be questionable does that mean I shouldn't take or drink anything this person or that person did or does or is sponsored by? maybe maybe not that is the beauty of capatilism you can choose to support or not the companies and people involved in what you think is unethical. I don't know the whole lance story but obvi you feel strongly about him being a turd I don't give a fuck one way or another. but I do know that if you aint cheatin you aint tryin. I mean that's why we bump our test levels to gain an edge, or take sarms for an edge but you still gotta do work to gain your goals
bottom line here is not 1 fucking substance or another can make you win the tour or super bowl or home runs. you still have to get your ass out there and ride and train and diet and train more and more. so I respect the fact that they are winners. now the ethics on how they win could be questionable does that mean I shouldn't take or drink anything this person or that person did or does or is sponsored by? maybe maybe not that is the beauty of capatilism you can choose to support or not the companies and people involved in what you think is unethical. I don't know the whole lance story but obvi you feel strongly about him being a turd I don't give a fuck one way or another. but I do know that if you aint cheatin you aint tryin. I mean that's why we bump our test levels to gain an edge, or take sarms for an edge but you still gotta do work to gain your goals

If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'...holy shit, where do you people come from?!?!? There far from winners...then again, we probably have a different definition of that too...ya know though, most I know that say these things, have never competed at a very high level athletically before or maybe you're just not up to speed on what is happening in the I can give y'all a hall pass in that regard...

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