
Grams on Grams


Is there anyone here blasting over 2 grams or more weekly?! What's the cycle looking like? Pros/Cons?!

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It's very easy to hit over 2G's especially when EQ is involved

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Well if I knew how to edit my post it was meant to be 3. I have fat fingers though. I'm sure you understand. Regardless, depends on what you're running. Short esters it's not that easy. Long esters, yea it's not that difficult. What's your cycles looking like bro? I'm very curious to know.

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Well if I knew how to edit my post it was meant to be 3. I have fat fingers though. I'm sure you understand. Regardless, depends on what you're running. Short esters it's not that easy. Long esters, yea it's not that difficult. What's your cycles looking like bro? I'm very curious to know.

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I'm cruising right now. 175mg test, 150, deca, 25mg 677 and 5ius. Fat fingers suck and there numb from

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Gotcha. I can't get anything below 250mg on cruise or else I'm good for nothing.

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That's probably why you keep most of your size. A guy at my gym is your size and he said the exact same thing and he cruises at 250 also.
I've run some blasts that should've killed a bull. 2g test, 1g Deca, 900mg Tren and 1g EQ and 100mg proviron a week. I was a fucking monster, but lethargic af. I had to dial in my prami and aro to get relief. BP was up there as well and I had to take my BP meds without fail.

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I've run some blasts that should've killed a bull. 2g test, 1g Deca, 900mg Tren and 1g EQ and 100mg proviron a week. I was a fucking monster, but lethargic af. I had to dial in my prami and aro to get relief. BP was up there as well and I had to take my BP meds without fail.

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Bro just add some HGH, insulin, and you'll ready for the pro's.
wow 250 test only gets you 430? I'm a fairly low responder and I'm at 700 a week after injecting 200mg.

That's another typo bro. Sorry my concentration when I open my phone has been on my last post were I'm getting bashed. That's *630 not 430. Which is still not that high considering. My natural test production is fucked from misuse of gear in my younger years. I have ran higher on cruise but that's really not the safest route to take.

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That's another typo bro. Sorry my concentration when I open my phone has been on my last post were I'm getting bashed. That's *630 not 430. Which is still not that high considering. My natural test production is fucked from misuse of gear in my younger years. I have ran higher on cruise but that's really not the safest route to take.

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You run any HGH bro?
I've run some blasts that should've killed a bull. 2g test, 1g Deca, 900mg Tren and 1g EQ and 100mg proviron a week. I was a fucking monster, but lethargic af. I had to dial in my prami and aro to get relief. BP was up there as well and I had to take my BP meds without fail.

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Jesus Christ! That's a fucking cycle there! My BP always gets me when running over 3G. Nose bleeds and shit.

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I do not. I have. But my conclusion on gh has been that a majority of it on the black market is fake or the potency is not there for the time you have to put in.

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Well you don't have to worry about that here. As long as you have the funds for it we have legit GH sources here. I run it mostly for fat loss and recovery. It's amazing what it does for recovery more than anything in my opinion. Especially at my age (47).
My next blast will be fun that starts next month

1000mg test
500 deca
800 eq
800 mast

3100mg total because of mast and eq
I do not. I have. But my conclusion on gh has been that a majority of it on the black market is fake or the potency is not there for the time you have to put in.

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That is true on a lot of levels. It's always advisable to test for potency every vial or pen sadly. If you're not getting Nords it's a risk no matter what. I had run some from a pharma source here and although it was effective I know it lost some potency due to their shit job of shipping it to me.

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I do not. I have. But my conclusion on gh has been that a majority of it on the black market is fake or the potency is not there for the time you have to put in.

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I tend to agree, I still run 2ius a day just due to age, 40+, helps recovery and over all health. But I know for sure there's much more bang for the buck with aas...

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Yo 44 did I'm running the same compounds that you mentioned...not nearly as high as your numbers but am still pretty lethargic...did or you know
Anything to take to help combat being so damn lathargic? Normally Proviron has me in such a good mood and so damn horny I'm fine but man I swear I'm tired af all the time...(oh and i ran bloods everything is in check)
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