
Google Access Denied



Someone from Russia tried to access my Google account... Has anyone had this happen to them? I received an email from Google saying the access to my account was denied and said it was from Russia. I just changed all my passwords... That shit kinda freaked me out.
Someone from Russia tried to access my Google account... Has anyone had this happen to them? I received an email from Google saying the access to my account was denied and it said it was from Russia. I just changed all my passwords... That shit kinda freaked me out.

Ha that does happen time to time brother. It's the Internet, and unfortunately hackers try to get into anything they can. As long as you changed passwords you will be fine
Happens to me every few months bro; usually out of China for me though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ive been having problems with goggle chrome lately.Not sure if it is hacker related
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