
Going Tren for the first time... which lab?

I have decided to try the steroid that everyone is talking about, trenbolone. I have been a bit reluctant to mess around with it, but now I feel that I am ready to give it a try. Needles to say, I am going on a LOW dose of tren ace, being its my first time and all. I am aiming for 8 weeks with about 200mg of tren a week (50-70 mg eod) combined with 200mg of test cyp e6d. I will also get some caber on standby just in case, f#cking expensive but better safe than sorry.

But before I start, I have 1 question:

Which lab should I chose?

A. Platinum Biotech Tren Acetate 75mg = $55
B. Global Anabolics Tren-A (Tren Ace) 75mg = $60

Personally, I am considering global anabolics as when I did T-Bol, I got better results from GA's tbol than PB's, but it would be nice hearing what you guys think.

Also, how bad do you think my endurance levels will be affected on this dosage? I dont want to become a tren-coughing miserable bastard that cant even walk up a flight of stairs.

Thanks in advance

theres a very simple way to combat the cardio side effects from tren use... the answer... GW501516... gw will counteract this issue and allow you to perform cardio exercises at a very high rate... has the highest quality GW you can find...
I honestly don't like saying this but because you asked about it specifically I can admit that the global anabolics tren is straight up ridiculous...

Do you mean that in a good way? Like ridiculously good or that they were useless? Might be a stupid question, English is not my main language.
right but we dont advise steroid use to people under age or not in the proper condition etc... if you can't accept that then it probably isn't the best place for you here... everyone wants to help, trust me on that... however we have a responsibility to be safety first and we make sure there is a clear understanding of everything etc... just because you ask something doesn't mean you just hear what you want to hear... you get honest answers man... you can go anywhere and have some fucking prick tell you whatever you want but chances are, they are just going to lead you down a path of problems and suffering which is the complete opposite of what you get here... here you have people that actually care man...

...and that right there is why this is the best damn PED forum there is.AMEN brother!
theres a very simple way to combat the cardio side effects from tren use... the answer... GW501516... gw will counteract this issue and allow you to perform cardio exercises at a very high rate... has the highest quality GW you can find...

This all day. I won't even touch Tren without GW
This all day. I won't even touch Tren without GW

Agreed! Only tjing I think to make tren better? EQ! Loved EQ for its endurance!
Now throw in some Winstrol for parte of cycle and fasten seat belt!

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I have decided to try the steroid that everyone is talking about, trenbolone. I have been a bit reluctant to mess around with it, but now I feel that I am ready to give it a try. Needles to say, I am going on a LOW dose of tren ace, being its my first time and all. I am aiming for 8 weeks with about 200mg of tren a week (50-70 mg eod) combined with 200mg of test cyp e6d. I will also get some caber on standby just in case, f#cking expensive but better safe than sorry.

But before I start, I have 1 question:

Which lab should I chose?

A. Platinum Biotech Tren Acetate 75mg = $55
B. Global Anabolics Tren-A (Tren Ace) 75mg = $60

Personally, I am considering global anabolics as when I did T-Bol, I got better results from GA's tbol than PB's, but it would be nice hearing what you guys think.

Also, how bad do you think my endurance levels will be affected on this dosage? I dont want to become a tren-coughing miserable bastard that cant even walk up a flight of stairs.

Thanks in advance
ROBO or BGS bro. Unicorn blood I tell you.

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