Sarms user for 2 years and gonna start pinning
I am leaning towards a 500 MG Testosterone Enanthate split weekly into 2 250 mg injections
Ok now regarding AI ... I am looking for advice on this as I see many different opinions on it <----
And for PCT I was going to use Nolvadex .
Ok now dont flame me too hard lolll
Opnions on it overall?> Suggestions?
AI suggestions?
Thanks in advance guys
I am leaning towards a 500 MG Testosterone Enanthate split weekly into 2 250 mg injections
Ok now regarding AI ... I am looking for advice on this as I see many different opinions on it <----
And for PCT I was going to use Nolvadex .
Ok now dont flame me too hard lolll
Opnions on it overall?> Suggestions?
AI suggestions?
Thanks in advance guys