
GH only cycle professional advice


New member
Hey brothers!

I don't post, but I do read. I hope you would be able to point me in the right direction.
I'm 32 year old, 12.8%, been training for over a decade (not professional), resistance, cardio, diet clean.

I am looking for a recommendation for a professional I could pay to consult over skype with, in regards to GH cycle, diet and exercise.

I'm not looking to debate my stats or why I chose this cycle, I'm just looking for a professional with experience in GH cycles to whom I could direct my questions (of which there are plenty)

Thanks, budds!
Hey brothers!

I don't post, but I do read. I hope you would be able to point me in the right direction.
I'm 32 year old, 12.8%, been training for over a decade (not professional), resistance, cardio, diet clean.

I am looking for a recommendation for a professional I could pay to consult over skype with, in regards to GH cycle, diet and exercise.

I'm not looking to debate my stats or why I chose this cycle, I'm just looking for a professional with experience in GH cycles to whom I could direct my questions (of which there are plenty)

Thanks, budds!

so your mind is made up? Hgh it is no matter if there is something better? Hgh is not a biggie for cyclists. My daughter sprints 40 hgh either.If you explain your goals and what you hope to accomplish then we can help.There are many on this board quite versed in hgh. Now skype...I don't know, not me. Have you tried a coach?
iwannagofaster I believe cycles gh and a few others as well buen, im sure someone else will chime in as well
so your mind is made up? Hgh it is no matter if there is something better? Hgh is not a biggie for cyclists. My daughter sprints 40 hgh either.If you explain your goals and what you hope to accomplish then we can help.There are many on this board quite versed in hgh. Now skype...I don't know, not me. Have you tried a coach?

Thanks for the reply bro,

I had done quite a bit of research. The decision was based on the added benefit of increased repair and recovery, anti aging, and increase in metabolism while not causing suppression or needing significant PCT. Took a while to make that decision, as of now, I'm simply looking for the best protocol to utilize the resource with a complement diet and exercise protocol, to make sure what I am employing has the best chance of producing maximal efficacy.

I have coaches where I live, and I do work with one for training. However I would ideally like to debate some of the issues with someone that has a more intimate knowledge of running gh rather than recite to me all the articles and theory I had already read.

Hope that makes sense :)
Thanks for the reply bro,

I had done quite a bit of research. The decision was based on the added benefit of increased repair and recovery, anti aging, and increase in metabolism while not causing suppression or needing significant PCT. Took a while to make that decision, as of now, I'm simply looking for the best protocol to utilize the resource with a complement diet and exercise protocol, to make sure what I am employing has the best chance of producing maximal efficacy.

I have coaches where I live, and I do work with one for training. However I would ideally like to debate some of the issues with someone that has a more intimate knowledge of running gh rather than recite to me all the articles and theory I had already read.

Hope that makes sense :)

Sure it makes sense. What is it that you want to know? Are you up to date on how dirty cycling really is? Are you up to date on sarms? Some cyclists are now using xxx from sarmx and it is still legal to use.
Sure it makes sense. What is it that you want to know? Are you up to date on how dirty cycling really is? Are you up to date on sarms? Some cyclists are now using xxx from sarmx and it is still legal to use.

I did stock up on a sarms kit and may be adding that into the mix. Generally what I wanted to know revolves around how the utilization of carbs is altered whilst on a GH cycle. If there is an added benefit to reducing carbs, or is the utilization of carbs more efficient. Also if there is an added benefit for using Metformin to increase insulin sensitivity while consuming carbs. Additional minor questions as for the splitting of the doses, etc.

Most of the info I came across while reading was simply regurgitated form the same articles you find online. I just want some hands on experience rather than theory. That's why I like to read the posts here, lots of people with hands on no BS no ego insights.
Sure it makes sense. What is it that you want to know? Are you up to date on how dirty cycling really is? Are you up to date on sarms? Some cyclists are now using xxx from sarmx and it is still legal to use.

I think you misunderstood his post Jake he isn't a cyclist are you Blue? he just said GH cycle professional advice, unless im the one confused lol
Hey bro these are all good questions,I'm no expert but had the same exact questions about a year ago. Yes hgh is awesome and yes metformin works to metabolize all depends on the goal you are trying to achieve. Contact Iwgf he's been my go to guy on hgh . He's very knowledgeable and easy to work with. I usually grab at least 6 months worth at a time
He's been able to answer any questions or knows who to go to . Good luck you'll like the Norditropin or genotropin whichever you go with.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Hey brothers!

I don't post, but I do read. I hope you would be able to point me in the right direction.
I'm 32 year old, 12.8%, been training for over a decade (not professional), resistance, cardio, diet clean.

I am looking for a recommendation for a professional I could pay to consult over skype with, in regards to GH cycle, diet and exercise.

I'm not looking to debate my stats or why I chose this cycle, I'm just looking for a professional with experience in GH cycles to whom I could direct my questions (of which there are plenty)

Thanks, budds!

send me a pm bro... i can help with all of this...
I think you misunderstood his post Jake he isn't a cyclist are you Blue? he just said GH cycle professional advice, unless im the one confused lol

sure did.For some reason I saw in his post "cycle" and then thought he was cyclist. Another brain fart. But hey...I am not released from my concussion until end of april. What will be my excuse
sure did.For some reason I saw in his post "cycle" and then thought he was cyclist. Another brain fart. But hey...I am not released from my concussion until end of april. What will be my excuse

call me crazy, but i would say that's a damn good excuse!! =)
sure did.For some reason I saw in his post "cycle" and then thought he was cyclist. Another brain fart. But hey...I am not released from my concussion until end of april. What will be my excuse

just don't forget to move your fingers away from your sammich or you may end up missing another finger brother
Thanks for the reply bro,

I had done quite a bit of research. The decision was based on the added benefit of increased repair and recovery, anti aging, and increase in metabolism while not causing suppression or needing significant PCT. Took a while to make that decision, as of now, I'm simply looking for the best protocol to utilize the resource with a complement diet and exercise protocol, to make sure what I am employing has the best chance of producing maximal efficacy.

I have coaches where I live, and I do work with one for training. However I would ideally like to debate some of the issues with someone that has a more intimate knowledge of running gh rather than recite to me all the articles and theory I had already read.

Hope that makes sense :)

Have you considered possibly using MK-677 instead, which can is a growth hormone secretogue, giving all the same types of benefits that GH has to offer? I've been on it myself a few months now, and I'm loving it. Sarmsx has it in very high quality and it's a very effective and less expensive option than GH, not to mention not having to pin every day.

Here is some videos on it

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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