DylanGemelli said:
moving on... yes the potassium supplement will indeed help but you need foods rich in potassium... one or two pieces of fruit is fine.... its when you load it up it becomes a problem... this is natural sugar however you don't want abundance either... for instance i have 1 apple per day guaranteed and generally 1 grapefruit...i literally have no other sugar in my diet but the cleanest form which you need with fruit... you just NEVER overdo it whatsoever... im allergic to bananas so i cannot use it as a potassium source...
As far as the prami goes... do you have a need for prolactin control? if you want to elevate gh and improve your rest then prami would not even be close to the option for you... mk677 is being released in two weeks time from pure essence... THAT is what you will want to use... not another pharmaceutical type drug that is not nearly as safe as you are reading or seeing... you will find out quickly why so many have a disdain for prami and opt for dostinex with nandrolones and NOONE just uses it unless they are absolutely forced...
Thanks for saving my testicles
once again Dylan
Appreciate you looking out for my health & hope this helps many other people.
Get my PE recomp stack tomorrow SO PUMPED! I have a couple questions on what to stack with it, but that'll go in the SARMs section.
I will be loggin my results with along with lean food recipes that i have been Cooking up in the kitchen yeoah