Maybe Epichatechin could be used in or after PCT. To help it drop more for a bit of an easier way to get natty gains?
Do SARMs increase myostatin as well? (Slower I guess, but still an increase?)
Yes, I think that's a perfect time to use it.
Obvioulsy anything that can initiate muscle growth can raise myostatin, but sarms do it to a very small degree in comparison to steroids. Myostatin can even raise while natural to a certain degree. Your body releases myostatin based on what muscle you've gained, not what compounds you've used to an extent (though high androgens make it rise more than anything regardless of gains) even a natty that makes great gains for a couple months will expereince the slowing or even stalling out of gains eventually. At that point the natty guy just has to maintain what he has for a while or be content with slower gains until enough time passes that growth can happen again.