
Fun question!

Sometimes. MAybe a little. Because now i will always want to be using them. Cause if u stop eventually most of what u have gained will go away

Sometimes. MAybe a little. Because now i will always want to be using them. Cause if u stop eventually most of what u have gained will go away


I agree phurious , there's a famous saying a bodybuilder once said "there is no such thing as one cycle"
True, but then again you would probably never have gotten the body you always wanted and the feeling of being on is incredible.

Honestly. Ive been an athlete my whole life. Ive been big ive been lean. Before i ever touched steroids i was like 8% bf. But wanted to add size cause im an ectomorph and have trouble gaining weight so i said fuck it why not try them. But i didnt start till i was 38.

I only regret what I did when I was 18 years old.That was inject massive amounts of "probably testosterone" for 8 weeks at a time,take a week off,rinse & repeat.This would go on for a year or so.**What's PCT?**
I don regret anything because I trained natural for over 20 years. My first cycle wasn't until 36, and waiting was one of the best decisions I ever made. I'm glad I'm on them now, but I honestly will probably only blast a few more years before I just go to TRT and mayb throw some sarms in every now and then. I'm almost to th size I want to get to and I don't have any desire to go over that. It becomes too unhealthy when you get too big. Your body doesn't know if you have fat tissue or muscle tissue to end blood to. Your heart has to work just as hard, and that's not good long term. I've already started backing off of certain things. Ran a low dose of Tren this last cycle, and honestly I don't even know if I will run it again. I will be stic,ing mostly to mild drugs from here on out. Test, Deca, EQ will be my main three.
Only because now I'm dependant on trt. That's the only reason. Otherwise it's the best thing ever. Caused a few problems over the years but it is what it is. I love them but I don't like wondering what will happen if one day it's too difficult to get testosterone. I don't want to be old and soft and weak with a limp dick. That's why I'm trying to stick up on test for the next 40 years.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
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When all is said n done TRT isn't so bad.Things could be much worse.

Agreed. I know what it feels like to be super low on test levels and feel like complete shit no matter what you do to raise them. TRT was a lifesaver for me and one of the best decisions I've ever made
Agreed. I know what it feels like to be super low on test levels and feel like complete shit no matter what you do to raise them. TRT was a lifesaver for me and one of the best decisions I've ever made

Totally. As long as I get a script from the VA sometime I'll be fine. Until then I worry about running out.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
Code JS5 for 5% off
Agreed. I know what it feels like to be super low on test levels and feel like complete shit no matter what you do to raise them. TRT was a lifesaver for me and one of the best decisions I've ever made

This. No regret ever.

I still don't feel 100% great all of the time, and sometimes yeah it's less than ideal, but wouldn't trade it for feeling like 100% complete crap, all of the time.
Totally. As long as I get a script from the VA sometime I'll be fine. Until then I worry about running out.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
Code JS5 for 5% off

I don't have a legal script right now either, but if I ever need one it wouldn't be hard at all. Just would suck to have levels in the toilet to a short bit before getting it
I don't have a legal script right now either, but if I ever need one it wouldn't be hard at all. Just would suck to have levels in the toilet to a short bit before getting it

That's what I had to do when my insurance companies merged.I had to go off for almost 3mo & I was down to 52-57 Test.I really need to stock up like Jack said earlier.
That's what I had to do when my insurance companies merged.I had to go off for almost 3mo & I was down to 52-57 Test.I really need to stock up like Jack said earlier.

I have quite a bit stocked up, but can always use more lol
Nope I don't regret it. I love this lifestyle and enjoy the benefits that gear offers towards what I love so it's all worth it.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Contact: [email protected]
Use Code: MP5 For 5% Discount
My only regret is not using AAS properly when I 1st started.
I love this shit. I'm in another state and brought sling pins of gear with. I'd rather twist my balls off with a rusty corkscrew and torque wrench that stop pinning good gear.
I don't regret it at all but the only thing that when people ask me how I gained size sorta quick Is that I just come up with some crazy story and truthfully I'm just lying. I guess that goes for some who are on the juice and can't tell them that there on the juice.

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I regret taking 5 years off from lifting, I regret not being consistent, I regret not starting gear again sooner. I am glad I did so much research before starting. It's not for everyone and I've talked people out of it but I don't regret it at all
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